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OT - I admit, I cheat!


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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

I have NEVER been able to beat Gradius III on easy. You can't save in that game or anything, and it's pretty long, too. I still like it, though, even if it is basically impossible. Some old games like that went overboard, but 15 years later, I am still playing them.



ever play Ghosts & Goblons for NES or Super Ghouls & Ghosts for SNES? CRAZY difficult, no saves, SG&G requres you to pass through all the levels TWICE in order to beat the game. they're tough as hell, but they never stop being fun for that reason.


take for example the newer crop of 3D actoin games, starting with Devil May Cry (including Ninja Gaiden and God of War especially). they are all tough, can't sit down and beat them in a couple of hours, but you're rewarded with HOURS of gameplay.


i will, often times, cheat through a game, but NEVER the first time through. all the GTA games are prime examples of this. i've got no problem giving myself all the weapons and playing Vigilante seeing how high i can get, but if i'm playing missions at all i'm not touching the cheats. Morrowwind is similar, beaten the whole game and done a ton of sidequests starting at level 1, but i can also level my character up to around 50 in a couple of hours and play through the whole main quest in an afternoon. kind of a different challenge.

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I've gotten to the point where I hate a challenge. I already have to fight this life. I might as well make leisure time a pleasure instead of a pain.

unless, of course, it's super mario kart (SNES).

{censored} it all, game genie all the way


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Originally posted by bullhead

ever play Ghosts & Goblons for NES



The hardest video game I have ever played/seen/heard about is for NES. Its called Dragon's Lair.


Its actually unplayable because its so hard. It was designed for people who were real into Ghost 'N Goblins and hard games. You have to start over if you get touched by anything, you have to jump in just the right spot...


Its so hard I couldn't even get half way across the screen on the first level. And Ghost 'N Goblins was the first game I ever owned.

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I never cheat. Oh wait, i cheated in two games. Doom 2 - damn impossible to finish otherwise IMO you have to be a masochist to finish that last one...
Mafia - i played it once again like two years after the first time and just didn't have the nerve to train that racing mission once again... Otherwise a great game and a great mission, that racing is more fun than in many a racing games it's just so damn hard.

GTA - never cheated, most people who did told me they didn't like the game. I could see that coming, much of the excitement is the feeling of acomplishment after finishing the mission, running away from cops etc... If you cheat you get non of that thus making the game less exciting.
I went totally ape in that damn RC helicopter mission at that construction site but somehow managed to finish it...
But in the end it's a game and it should be fun, so if you get the most fun from using cheats than :thu: for you!

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Anyone know if Devil May Cry 3 is any good? It's only $20 now. I'm in the market for some good, cheap console games while they're still around.

Originally posted by code_blue

Maybe it would be fun to see through walls while playing Counter Strike, but getting caught and banned from a cool server just isn't worth it.

Cheating in online games is...there's really no word for it. You can't really enjoy the game, because there's literally NO challenge. And it ruins it for EVERYONE else playing. People who do it a lot really only do it to piss other people off. That's pretty low, to say the least.

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Originally posted by peehoo

Mafia - i played it once again like two years after the first time and just didn't have the nerve to train that racing mission once again... Otherwise a great game and a great mission, that racing is more fun than in many a racing games it's just so damn hard.

Hah, I just about went insane trying to do the racing mission, I don't think I've ever been that pissed off at a video game before, I was so angry that I broke my keyboard. Strangely, when I went back to that game a second time I nailed it on my third attempt, after playing gran turismo 3 for a few months :cool:

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Originally posted by blargh

Hah, I just about went insane trying to do the racing mission, I don't think I've ever been that pissed off at a video game before, I was so angry that I broke my keyboard. Strangely, when I went back to that game a second time I nailed it on my third attempt, after playing gran turismo 3 for a few months

A friend of mine was once playing some game and it pissed him off so bad that he smashed his mouse with his fist. But the mouse broke and it was made of some super hard plastic, cut his hand BAD and he had to get stiches and all that {censored}:D :mad::rolleyes:

I was also extremely mad when playing Command and conquer, when i was preparing for an attack on the base for like 2 hours and than at the crucial moment my own idiotic flame throwers fry my engineers... that was:mad:

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Originally posted by peehoo

I was also extremely mad when playing Command and conquer, when i was preparing for an attack on the base for like 2 hours and than at the crucial moment my own idiotic flame throwers fry my engineers... that was:mad:



Yeah, the old ones were ridiculously slow and tedious at times.

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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

Anyone know if Devil May Cry 3 is any good? It's only $20 now. I'm in the market for some good, cheap console games while they're still around.



i've heard it's damn good, but the problem is it came out within a week of God of War so everyone forgot it existed.

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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

So is God of War good? I saw that that was also cheap, and I had never even heard of it for some reason.



it's probably one of the 3 best games for PS2, i'd say with MGS3 and San Andreas.


IGN awarded it Game of the Year for 2005. not PS2 GotY, straight-up Game of the Year. crazy tough, but insanely fun with an excellent story and unbelievable presentation (for an idea of how much care was put into the look, the game was designed to be run in 720p). for $20 it's almosty stupid not to buy it.

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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

So is God of War good? I saw that that was also cheap, and I had never even heard of it for some reason.



GOW is awesome:thu:


absolutely killer game...and its huge:eek:


it would make a killer movie adaption as well....

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Originally posted by TheDarxide

How do you define cheat?

On GTA:San Andreas, stick down all your money on the 11:1 horse at the bookies. If you lose, restart from the last save. It will win eventually, and you'll rake it in. Then buy guns. Lots of guns.

Hahaha, this is what im talkin about! :thu:

Although I tend to memorize pickups and body armor respawn points...

That works really well. About to start a mission? Go find your favorite body armor and weapon pickup, and have at it. ;)

Also, the plane missions aren't hard at all... :confused:

I barely even remember any of them except this one where do this skydive and that was AWESOME! :eek:

Either way, there's nothing like snagging a tank without cheating. AWESOME {censored}!

In San Andreas later in the game you get your own airstrip. It's near Area 52 or 53 or something like that...
Anyway, I like to hop in my jetpack, and go over to the base and all hell will break loose once I get in. Go hop in a tank, and then drive it back to my airfield...

The tricky part is getting to a save point after that - that's why you keep a PCJ-600, or, my favorite, the NRG-500 wiating in that hangar for you! :D

And I remember in GTA-III I used the little hideout you get on the second island to snag a tank. Went and stocked up on the military spec weapons, started throwing grenades all over hte street and wreaking havoc and then retreating back into my hideout once the helicopter showed up - hence the military weapons - gotta use that bazooka!

Then, when you get brave enough, go run out and hop in a tank that's invariably waiting outside your hideout, and drive it down in there... save... and voila! :D

Tank cheats are lame! Using tanks to beat missions when you EARNED the tank! :thu:

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The GTA:SA flying missions are totally easy compared to what flying the plane in GTA3 was like. Took literally dozens of tries just to get that damn thing airborne. Actually the planes in GTA:SA are tons of fun. I love getting into the WW2 fighter plane and pissing off the nearby army base - then it's dodging rockets and shooting down fighter jets with just a machinegun! Of course, I do this while flying upside down. :D

I think I stole about 3 or 4 tanks plus one FBI vehicle from that army base. It's easy, just fly a plane over the wall, jump out, get into a tank and drive it back to the airfield garage. I was quite disappointed that there was a limit to how many vehicles you can fit in the garage. It was only half full but the game insisted there's no space. :(

Some of the training missions in that game are a huge pain in the ass though. Especially some of the car ones like the one where you have to park between two cars in exactly the right angle without wrecking the car.

I must admit that I did cheat on the "collect 100 this and that" things in the game. Dug out the maps from the net and then went about finding them. Even with those it took me ages. It's one of those "necessary to complete the game but {censored}in' annoying" things.

These days games aren't as hard as they used to be. Many platformers on C64, Amiga and NES were crazy difficult. Not to mention there were lots of never ending games or games with so many levels you would've had to play them 24/7 for a month to get through the game. Or games that required you to be standing in a pixel-perfect spot to do something..the Last Ninja (C64) games are pretty good examples.

Doom2 was pretty tough but certainly not impossible. One of the last great co-op multiplayer games too.

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Originally posted by LaXu

The GTA:SA flying missions are totally easy compared to what flying the plane in GTA3 was like. Took literally dozens of tries just to get that damn thing airborne. Actually the planes in GTA:SA are tons of fun. I love getting into the WW2 fighter plane and pissing off the nearby army base - then it's dodging rockets and shooting down fighter jets with just a machinegun! Of course, I do this while flying upside down.

I think I stole about 3 or 4 tanks plus one FBI vehicle from that army base. It's easy, just fly a plane over the wall, jump out, get into a tank and drive it back to the airfield garage. I was quite disappointed that there was a limit to how many vehicles you can fit in the garage. It was only half full but the game insisted there's no space.

Some of the training missions in that game are a huge pain in the ass though. Especially some of the car ones like the one where you have to park between two cars in exactly the right angle without wrecking the car.

I must admit that I did cheat on the "collect 100 this and that" things in the game. Dug out the maps from the net and then went about finding them. Even with those it took me ages. It's one of those "necessary to complete the game but {censored}in' annoying" things.

These days games aren't as hard as they used to be. Many platformers on C64, Amiga and NES were crazy difficult. Not to mention there were lots of never ending games or games with so many levels you would've had to play them 24/7 for a month to get through the game. Or games that required you to be standing in a pixel-perfect spot to do something..the Last Ninja (C64) games are pretty good examples.

Doom2 was pretty tough but certainly not impossible. One of the last great co-op multiplayer games too.

That reminds me...

I need to get the commanche...

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