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May New Gear Thread

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Fabulous. I haven't really tried doing "subtle" with it yet, but it's perfect if you have extreme reverb needs. I've been going through a Ruiner/Cosmichorus/VM Superdelay/Reverberator chain the last couple of days and it's like playing in a mud pit on Mars. So much fun.


Awesome :thu:

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fascinating to hear you say this, confirms so long standing suspicions i had about the trinity


well its been a long while since i played it, but that's how i remember it. what is funny, even some voxy pad samples, that i sampled from trinity into my E4XTU, have this sweeter top end, that i didn't have on my tritons.










back to topic, after the longest time, i actually bought a drum machine of my own - had one of these for last three years.. but it was borrowed from a friend. now i finally got mine, it's also a TURBO version, and it came with a commodore floppy (not the actual unit picture):





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i just got this in trade from Angelo Metz:


i have a Juno-6 already, but i wanted a 60 in really nice shape because my 6 is beat-to-hell and i want to totally refit it and can't bear the downtime.

also i wanted to install the midi interface that goes in the DCB hole. i thought that looked pretty hot.

this one sounds better than my 6, too ... the chorus isn't nearly as noisy.

i'm going to keep the Juno-6 around as a backup or secondary studio keyboard. i {censored}ing love these things. also, my particular keyboard was signed by Bela Fleck & the Flecktones and it's kind of important to me.


Congrats on the upgrade. The 6 looked a little unhappy in its tattered attire.

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The 6 looked a little unhappy in its tattered attire.



yes, well, if you looked as good as that thing does after all she's gone through you'd probably look much less happy.


that particular keyboard was the first analogue synth i owned, and it's kind of only due to a miraculous event that i still own it. it actually got traded for a Hammond M3 and a Leslie 145 in 1998, and bounced around Peoria through about 8 people before someone wound up with it and decided I should own it again and insisted on giving it to me in 2006.

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Well the dodgy Alesis amp i should have swapped out bloody ages ago came close to getting a flying lesson the other day, so for now i've yanked it pending being flipped and have the front room stereo in the attic, which sounds bloody great but otherwise is inconvenient (and i risk burning my fingers on the valves if i try to tweak the vocoder/filterbank)


Well tonight i scored a new power amp:




So just need the matching pre now, which are not hard to get, and that's sorted. Unless i get a nice deal on the matching tuner too... :D

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Ah, there's not much to be exploding on an old Quad 33/303/FM


The Alesis kept crackling so much i was ready to use a chainsaw on it :(


That's the MS20 filter clone/ripoff isn;t it Hazard? I'd be interested in how it holds up vs the real thing? Or perhaps like some of Doepfer's other clones, it's quite a nice thing in itself? :D

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That's the MS20 filter clone/ripoff isn;t it Hazard? I'd be interested in how it holds up vs the real thing? Or perhaps like some of Doepfer's other clones, it's quite a nice thing in itself?



Yeah, it started out as an MS-20 clone, then ended up something else almost entirely. It's def not your normal filter. Very aggressive sounding. It actually sounds like an Osc being FM'd when set right. If you want to get the MS-20 sound, you'd need another A-106-1. Patch the low pass into the high pass, or vise-verse. But on it's own, it's very nice if you like aggressive sounds. Which i do, very much =o]

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This month I will constantly repeat mantras that will help me avoid buying new gear. I will speak them to myself morning, day and night. I will write them at first opportunity every day. Like this: I will buy no new gear this month. That means I shall
be buying any gear at all this month. I can't buy any gear this month. I must not buy any gear this month. I allow myself to not buy any new gear this month. I will certainly not buy any new gear this month. No gear of any kind shall be bought by me this month.....



Sounds like me, only you have to add "I will not scan eBay looking for a JD-990. If I do, I will not add it to my list of watched items. I will not place a bid, even if it is currently below $200. I will not quietly wait with 2 minutes to go to place a ninja bid that I hope will win. I will not immediately go out and look for another upon receiving the message that bidding is over and my bid did not win. I will not look for an impulse buy to take the edge off the disappointment."


Oh, yeah. I bought an ASR-X with SCSI installed when my bid for the JD-990 fell through. Time to start the mantra again...

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Sounds like me, only you have to add "I will not scan eBay looking for a JD-990. If I do, I will not add it to my list of watched items. I will not place a bid, even if it is currently below $200. I will not quietly wait with 2 minutes to go to place a ninja bid that I hope will win. I will not immediately go out and look for another upon receiving the message that bidding is over and my bid did not win. I will not look for an impulse buy to take the edge off the disappointment."

Oh, yeah. I bought an ASR-X with SCSI installed when my bid for the JD-990 fell through. Time to start the mantra again...



Im currently selling mine with the vintage synth expansion if any one is interested:



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Ahh, if only.... :cry:


Since my wife is not working, she carefully scrutinizes the credit card bill and something approaching $500 will not go unnoticed. I got the ASR-X for $172 with the shipping included, so that will most likely not be seen or perceived as a gear purchase...I hope.

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I finally broke down and bought Guido's VB3 (I'm such a big spender). That's about all the damage I can do this month I'm afraid.


So anyone that has it could I trouble you with a couple of quick questions? I mapped the drawbars to my M3 sliders and it works like a charm. Tell me, anyone know of a way to "reverse" the polarity of the sliders so that when I pull them down the drawbars "pull out"? As it is it's kinda backwards from the way drawbars are meant to work and it's messing with my head. Also, the Leslie sim is mapped to the sustain pedal and only goes to fast "while" the pedal is held down. Let up on the pedal and it goes back to slow. What do I do to set it so that I step on the pedal once and it goes to fast and stays. Then step on it again it goes to slow and stays? Thanks in advance...

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anyone know of a way to "reverse" the polarity of the sliders so that when I pull them down the drawbars "pull out"?



Nope. Not possible that I've found. You do eventually get used to it though...



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I finally broke down and bought Guido's VB3 (I'm such a big spender). That's about all the damage I can do this month I'm afraid.

So anyone that has it could I trouble you with a couple of quick questions? I mapped the drawbars to my M3 sliders and it works like a charm. Tell me, anyone know of a way to "reverse" the polarity of the sliders so that when I pull them down the drawbars "pull out"? As it is it's kinda backwards from the way drawbars are meant to work and it's messing with my head. Also, the Leslie sim is mapped to the sustain pedal and only goes to fast "while" the pedal is held down. Let up on the pedal and it goes back to slow. What do I do to set it so that I step on the pedal once and it goes to fast and stays. Then step on it again it goes to slow and stays? Thanks in advance...


Problem 1: Under options there should be something that says "Invert Drawbars" or something to that effect. Set to YES. Problem solved.


Problem 2: Get a latching footswitch (Boss FS-5L or Roland FS-1) as opposed to a non-latching, momentary, damper pedal. Problem solved.


Both of these should work, but don't shoot the messenger... :cop:

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Problem 1: Under options there should be something that says "Invert Drawbars" or something to that effect. Set to YES. Problem solved.

Problem 2: Get a latching footswitch (Boss FS-5L or Roland FS-1) as opposed to a non-latching, momentary, damper pedal. Problem solved.

Both of these
work, but don't shoot the messenger...


That did the trick, well mostly. I took your advice. You were correct that there is an option to invert the drawbars under options. I hadn't seen it yet and had scanned the manual pretty quick after downloading. I was anxious to give it a workout. To solve the pedal switching ordeal, I just assigned the SW2 switch to do the fast/slow thing instead of the footswitch and it works fine now. Thanks for your help!

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