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Rockstar: Supernova


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Originally posted by azure and drkz

Magni, Lukas, and Toby are "rockers" at least. Too bad Dilana will take one of their spots in the finals.

Hopefully she'll take Lukas' spot. Every week is getting more on that nerve. That fake attitude is getting old.

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Originally posted by Hardtailed

Hopefully she'll take Lukas' spot. Every week is getting more on that nerve. That fake attitude is getting old.

Yeah i hear ya. He does have some stage presence over some of the others tho.....Plus the metal growl that Newsted keeps tellin him to stop doing.:evil:

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you kidding me???? dana was one of the worst lookers of them all....NON of them are that hot really, IMO Lukas should win, he fits in better with the "band" then anyone else.

......just the thought of that Dana doin that acoustic nirvana song...the camera shoulda stayed back about 40 more feet or so.....wouldnt be bad if her one eye wasnt so low, or the other so high......:freak:

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Ahhh I can't stand to watch this show.I saw who was going to be in the band and I thought it would be decent. I figured they were all from hard rock/metal bands (crue, GNR, metallica) and then everytime I turn it on i hear someone covering radiohead?chad kroger? GLORIA GAYNOR?!?!?! WTF? This show has ruined rock and roll for everyone who actually listens to rock and roll. All the people voting obviously have never heard a real hard rock album considering that anyone on the show is left (with the exception of that magni guy, he seems decent). With the amount of people the auditioned you'd think they could find a decent singer or a decent performer, or god forbid both. Or someone whos actually metal. But i guess the bottom line is most important so they cater to middle class 40-50 year olds who like to hear classic rock but hate metal and young women who have no idea what the {censored} metal is. Someone pm me when they cover some maiden/priest/skid row anything. This show sucks.

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Originally posted by azure and drkz

Someone mentioned in an earlier thread that the contestants had to pass drug tests before they could audition for the show. That could explain the lack of great rock singers. m/:evil:



Not only did they have to pass that, but they said that they had to pass a psyche test also.


So that REALLY eliminated a lot of people

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