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Leaving now to get my wisdom teeth out..


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Originally posted by rememberduane

Wish me luck. In a few days when I'm healed up my guitar will be ready to get from the shop and then I'll make some clips of the new gear.

Until then, I'm about to take the Triazolam they prescribed and tell them not to skimp on the nitrous or painkillers!


Meh, the actuall surgery is pretty easy. Its the waking up part that is a bitch. I got "dry Sockets" which caused awesome headaches for like a week. They had to stuff clover soaked rags in my mouth to make the pain stop. hey good luck with that....... ;) Cheers Lucius:D

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Ha, Lucius - when I had mine done I woke up about 30 minutes into the surgery, so I mixed both of those things. I was wide awake for most of the time they were rooting around in my mouth, and thank God for the nitrous. For some reason, I was cool with it all. I watched the dentist put all sorts of crap in my mouth, felt the pressure of him splitting all my molars and digging them out, etc. I don't know why I don't get bothered thinking about it, even so far after the surgery when everything is still a vivid memory.


BTW: I had 8 teeth out at that surgery, 6 wisdom teeth and 2 lower bipeds (lower dogteeth). Your post-surgery experience should be much better than mine, I had reconstructive stithing all over my entire mouth, and I was miserable.

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