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Mullard vs. Telefunken preamp tubes

F.D. Neighbors

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Hi all,

Well, I just got bit by the ebay bug again and bought 3 MULLARD long plate 12ax7's and 5 smooth plate TELEFUNKENS.


I plan on putting them in my Rivera Chubster and my early 70's Champ.


What kind of charactoristics can I expect out of each?

Does anyone have any good links to tube comparisons? Is one brand more versatile than the other?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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I've tried both in various amps and:


Mullard - It's very smooth/rich sounding, a bit dark but in a good way, very articulate throughout the spectrum, great overtones.


Telefunken - less gain, VERY articulate and clear, good balance throughout the spectrum, more 'hi-fi' sounding and a brighter than the Mullard


I've gone through alot of tubes and I haven't found a better V1 tube for Rock than a Mullard. There's just something special about those tubes. The Telefunkens would be ideal for cleaner tones(I'm saving mine for the day I snag a Fender Princeton).

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For the ECC83's I'm a big fan of the Telefunkens. The Mullards naturally sound good but compared to most other NOS tubes they always struck me as being dark. When you find 7025 RCA's that test out higher they are hard to beat as well some of the GE's. Mullard used to make the best sounding EL34's and the only thing I ever heard that was better were a quad of Telefunken EL34's. I happened across those at Song Bird Music in Toronto when I was there making a record.


Getting of track (my bad--ha, ha) either way I'm sure you will enjoy both tubes for what they are and it also gives you hands on experience with both tubes, which is always worth it's weight in gold. Have fun trying them all out!



Have a great weekend! :)


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