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Which tube preamp for stoner rock?


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Heres the deal:

A friend asked me to get a tube-pre for his guitar. He's got a JCM2000 TSL head, and plays desert rock (Kyuss, Violet Vortex etc)

Maximum around $600, preferably high-end or handmade, preferably available in Europe...


What do you reckon I should get for him???

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Originally posted by guitarslinger

Europe has more good preamps than you think.

what about HK Access?



I know there are many preamps in Europe, but don't know what will be ok for the sound he's after...

Strangely, the HK Access is not even listed on their website, while many legacy products are... guess it is old, small production and hard to find...

I have considered HK TubeMan though...

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Originally posted by Sordid1

I may be missing something but why does he need a preamp when he has a perfectly good amp right now? The thing about stoner rock is that there isn't a set formula for tone so just about anything decent will usually work.





He doesn't really like his sound... he wants something more, I told him to get an overdrive to boost his amp, or sell his amp and get another one, but he still wants to get hold of his amp and get a tube pre... what can one say?

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Originally posted by jezuz

He doesn't really like his sound... he wants something more, I told him to get an overdrive to boost his amp, or sell his amp and get another one, but he still wants to get hold of his amp and get a tube pre... what can one say?



Yeah you gave good advice and he just isn't listening.

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Originally posted by Sordid1

I may be missing something but why does he need a preamp when he has a perfectly good amp right now? The thing about stoner rock is that there isn't a set formula for tone so just about anything decent will usually work.

Ding ding ding, ladies and gentleman, we have a winner!!!


Couldnt have said it better myself...


BTW, what is desert rock?:confused:

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Originally posted by Norton666

Put a Big Muff in front of that DSL.



Though the poster was asking about the (much less:D ) TSL , it would do the job. Though i really prefer just using my DSL's crunch channel without any dirt pedals for my stoner band.

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Originally posted by jezuz

He doesn't really like his sound... he wants something more, I told him to get an overdrive to boost his amp, or sell his amp and get another one, but he still wants to get hold of his amp and get a tube pre... what can one say?



my bad I missed this post. That sucks he wont work with what he has. He could get a killer stoner sound out of that rig too!

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