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fanboy explanations for bad tone...


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I always find it funny how every time someone gets an amp and doesnt like it, you get this:


"Oh dude that amp is killer you need to get a new guitar with better pickuips, new tubes, and a new cabinet with better speakers in order to bring out the best in that amp, but it's an awesome amp! I love mine!"



And then, when they find out the original poster already has excellent equipment to work with, they revert to:


"Well mine sounds great with that setup, tone is in the fingers!"




And Im thinking, {censored} if they thought tone were in the fingers, why bother with the tube change tango and pickups-cabinet shuffle?


People are funny. :)

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

I always find it funny how every time someone gets an amp and doesnt like it, you get this:

"Oh dude that amp is killer you need to get a new guitar with better pickuips, new tubes, and a new cabinet with better speakers in order to bring out the best in that amp, but it's an awesome amp! I love mine!"

And then, when they find out the original poster already has excellent equipment to work with, they revert to:

"Well mine sounds great with that setup, tone is in the fingers!"

And Im thinking, {censored} if they thought tone were in the fingers, why bother with the tube change tango and pickups-cabinet shuffle?

People are funny.

Because "tone is in the fingers" doesn't mean everything else is irrelevant, it just means that it starts with the fingers and if you haven't got it there, none of the other stuff will matter. DUH.

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Them fagits need to stop worrying about there amps and {censored} and practice more. Seriously if you can't play worth a {censored} then you are going to sound like {censored} no matter what you plug into. Thats why I laugh my ass off when I see people post clips like ''I just bought a 'VHT uber Boogie 5000 with flux capacitor dual EQ' that they spent 1000's of dollars on and then there clips sound like complete crap because they are such god awful players. Your actual guitar playing is the most important part in your sound, and if you suck then your sound/tone will suck. People are listening to your music and your playing thats coming through the amp, not your ''upper high mids that sound to muddy so you go buy another amp.'' I think I just described 95 % of you {censored}s on these gear boards.

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Originally posted by buttaknife

Thats why I laugh my ass off when I see people post clips like ''I just bought a 'VHT uber Boogie 5000 with flux capacitor dual EQ' that they spent 1000's of dollars on and then there clips sound like complete crap because they are such god awful players.



That happens ALOT on here. And, they have 15,000 posts. Of course, this doesn't mean EVERYONE, just a handful, off the top of my head. Some think it's a popularity contest, or who owns the most gear, and most expensive gear contest.


It is funny. I wanted to chime in to some of their clip threads, and just say, "dude, you suck", but just thought it was wrong.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

I always find it funny how every time someone gets an amp and doesnt like it, you get this:

"Oh dude that amp is killer you need to get a new guitar with better pickuips, new tubes, and a new cabinet with better speakers in order to bring out the best in that amp, but it's an awesome amp! I love mine!"

And then, when they find out the original poster already has excellent equipment to work with, they revert to:

"Well mine sounds great with that setup, tone is in the fingers!"

And Im thinking, {censored} if they thought tone were in the fingers, why bother with the tube change tango and pickups-cabinet shuffle?

People are funny.

Tone is in the wallet, pure and simple.:wave:

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Originally posted by buttaknife

Them fagits need to stop worrying about there amps and {censored} and practice more. Seriously if you can't play worth a {censored} then you are going to sound like {censored} no matter what you plug into. Thats why I laugh my ass off when I see people post clips like ''I just bought a 'VHT uber Boogie 5000 with flux capacitor dual EQ' that they spent 1000's of dollars on and then there clips sound like complete crap because they are such god awful players. Your actual guitar playing is the most important part in your sound, and if you suck then your sound/tone will suck. People are listening to your music and your playing thats coming through the amp, not your ''upper high mids that sound to muddy so you go buy another amp.'' I think I just described 95 % of you {censored}s on these gear boards.



Worrying about their gear and/or practice aren't two mutually exclusive things. And while playing on the instrument and practice are of paramount importance, so too are the tools of the trade AND knowing how to use them. By doing both simultaneously, it could be argued that by doing things this way is more efficient. Besides if what you allege is true, ALL of the greats would've/should've/could've got their sound b plugging into a DI and going straight into the board. GEEE.... Why didn't they? I'll tell you... Because, good gear makesa difference. A BIG ONE!


I find it funny when guys are talking about this vs that and what is the best this or that. When you tell them, you can almost here them shuffle in their seats and then come back with ya, but.... That's too expensive or something else similar because they want what they have to be the best, even though it isn't.


BTW Tone is NOT in the fingers, neither is soul.... Technique is... Tone and vibe/soul is what your finger's technique brings out of your gear, from your heart. A great player on a POS is still a great player though severly limited from his max potential. Likewise, a amateur player, on a GREAT setup is still an amateur, but is not being limited by his gear, and therefore can also strengthen their creativity by having the gear to provide motivation and audible textures of their imagination..


I also think that if players with good gear, find motivation to play as a result of their tone/gear, then it's a good thing. If they are virtuosos or not. The idea that someone doesn't deserve the gear they have because they may not be a shredder or a good home studio engineer seems like a bitter individuals take. IMO

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Dont forget... before you actually buy the amp and ask for advice on choosing an amp everyones like.... oh yeah get this amp, that's what I've got, it's awesome, everything else is inferior. Or youshould definatley get a 5150 for metal... or get a Blackmore that's the BEST ENGL head, I talked to someone who had a friend who played one about a year ago for 2 minutes and it kicked ass!!!!!!

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Originally posted by alt moniker 8.0

Tone is in the wallet, pure and simple.

There's a lot of truth in that statement.

Not that pure and not so simple though.

Tone comes from equipment true. However technique, technical knowledge and soul, coax tone out of equipment.

You can have the best gear in the world but if you don't know how to dial it in to make it do what you want it to, then... That's why it's not so pure and simple.

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Originally posted by Bradman006

Dont forget... before you actually buy the amp and ask for advice on choosing an amp everyones like.... oh yeah get this amp, that's what I've got, it's awesome, everything else is inferior. Or youshould definatley get a 5150 for metal... or get a Blackmore that's the BEST ENGL head, I talked to someone who had a friend who played one about a year ago for 2 minutes and it kicked ass!!!!!!




Don't forget... That you should play the gear yourself and decide if it's what you're looking for.

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Originally posted by dmk

i get this every time i say i think the jmp1 sucks ass...



Sometimes, we aren't as eloquent as we perhaps could be... I know I've been guilty of that. I would disagree with your premise about the jmp-1, it may not be the correct tool for the job YOU need to get done, but that doesn't make it a useless or bad tool for someone elses application. I would argue this is probably at the heart of your responses.


I look at all of the different types of gear as tools of the trade. Not every tool is the same, or for the same purpose.

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Keep in mind a lot of people here judge an amps tone by if they like the style of music being played on it.

Therefore, Ive given up on forum clips, I figure if my tone sucks the audience or friends in the crowd will let me know, I'll never expect any real world valuable critiques from here anymore.

Theres 2 types of clips here that get respect, often regardless of the actual amps tone: 80's shred and bowel movement inducing downtuned extreme metal clips. If ya aint doin that, this is the wrong place to put up a piece of work...

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Originally posted by RonniePentatonic

Keep in mind a lot of people here judge an amps tone by if they like the style of music being played on it.

Therefore, Ive given up on forum clips, I figure if my tone sucks the audience or friends in the crowd will let me know, I'll never expect any real world valuable critiques from here anymore.

Theres 2 types of clips here that get respect, often regardless of the actual amps tone: 80's shred and bowel movement inducing downtuned extreme metal clips. If ya aint doin that, this is the wrong place to put up a piece of work...



Agreed, add to that the troll factor of a bunch of youngsters who may barely have a life outside of mommy and daddy's house, choosing to be wiseguys.

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The idea that someone doesn't deserve the gear they have because they may not be a shredder or a good home studio engineer seems like a bitter individuals take. IMO



Yeah, man, you deserve any equipment that you work for... you know, if i work for 200 hours making 2000 dollars to buy a nice all tube half stack, then i deserve it, even if i suck at guitar... i still worked my ass off for it.


yeah, nice equipment is good, and so is alot of practice...


i heard somewhere that the guy that played bark at the moon for ozzy was only playing guitar for 2 and a half years. he had some talent, eh?

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I bet my playing would be alot better then it is if I never had any modeling or high gain amp access. When I play my old Marshall, I really have too work at it. Even EVH said that we would fight the guitar to get the sounds he got. It takes alot of hard work to get to that level and those higher gain amps don't allow you to achieve that. Of course, this is my opinion.

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Originally posted by RJofGreatness

Yeah, man, you deserve any equipment that you work for... you know, if i work for 200 hours making 2000 dollars to buy a nice all tube half stack, then i deserve it, even if i suck at guitar... i still worked my ass off for it.

yeah, nice equipment is good, and so is alot of practice...

i heard somewhere that the guy that played bark at the moon for ozzy was only playing guitar for 2 and a half years. he had some talent, eh?



Usually, people who are this agressive are just bitter, petty and jealous individuals. Pay them no mind. You work for it, you earnd it. Your goal may not be to become the greatest, it may be just for your own pleasure. Either way, those who can do, those who can't either find a way OR don't and are happy to see and hear their favorite equipment and then there are those who don't achieve their dreams rag on those who do.

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Originally posted by 5150Watts

I bet my playing would be alot better then it is if I never had any modeling or high gain amp access. When I play my old Marshall, I really have too work at it. Even EVH said that we would fight the guitar to get the sounds he got. It takes alot of hard work to get to that level and those higher gain amps don't allow you to achieve that. Of course, this is my opinion.

Perhaps or your playing may have been better if you had used the high gain gear and dialed it in with less gain. :idea: OR played acoustic guitar more OR played your electric unplugged more...

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Originally posted by Zachman

Worrying about their gear and/or practice aren't two mutually exclusive things. And while playing on the instrument and practice are of paramount importance, so too are the tools of the trade AND knowing how to use them. By doing both simultaneously, it could be argued that by doing things this way is more efficient. Besides if what you allege is true, ALL of the greats would've/should've/could've got their sound b plugging into a DI and going straight into the board. GEEE.... Why didn't they? I'll tell you... Because, good gear makesa difference. A BIG ONE!

I find it funny when guys are talking about this vs that and what is the best this or that. When you tell them, you can almost here them shuffle in their seats and then come back with ya, but.... That's too expensive or something else similar because they want what they have to be the best, even though it isn't.

BTW Tone is NOT in the fingers, neither is soul.... Technique is... Tone and vibe/soul is what your finger's technique brings out of your gear, from your heart. A great player on a POS is still a great player though severly limited from his max potential. Likewise, a amateur player, on a GREAT setup is still an amateur, but is not being limited by his gear, and therefore can also strengthen their creativity by having the gear to provide motivation and audible textures of their imagination..

I also think that if players with good gear, find motivation to play as a result of their tone/gear, then it's a good thing. If they are virtuosos or not. The idea that someone doesn't deserve the gear they have because they may not be a shredder or a good home studio engineer seems like a bitter individuals take. IMO



I agree. It's not like i'm anti gear or anything. I mean I have a good amp and guitar and stuff(marshall 1970 metal panel, kramer 1984 etc), but I was talking mainly about the people that think there gear is what makes them as a guitar player. They think there amp is what is going to make them sound good, and that it is the most important part in there sound. And then they play some 2 finger {censored} with clams and clanks all over the place, but its like they dont even notice that cause there so focused in on the way the tone the amp creates. Now i've only encountered these types of people on interenet message boards so these dudes are definatley in minority. But hey if spending thousands on gear to play in your bedroom making clips of your horrible playing is fun to them, then watever, but i just dont get it.

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Originally posted by buttaknife

I agree. It's not like i'm anti gear or anything. I mean I have a good amp and guitar and stuff(marshall 1970 metal panel, kramer 1984 etc), but I was talking mainly about people that think there gear is what makes them as a guitar player. They think there amp is what is going to make them sound good, and that it is the most important part in there sound. And then they play some 2 finger {censored} with clams and clanks all over the place, but its like they dont even notice that cause there so focused in on the way the tone the amp creates. Now i've only encountered these types of people on interenet message boards so these dudes are definatley in minority. But hey if spending thousands on gear to play in your bedroom making clips of your horrible playing is fun to them, then watever, but i just dont get it.

It's no different then some guys who collect bottle caps or stamps or colored glass. If it floats their boat then, I am glad they're happy.

Don't get me wrong, some guys got "it" and some guys don't. Less guys got "it" than those who do. If they have their expensive gear and are enjoying themselves, I say good for them. The gear isn't going to make them better neccessarily, but it may motivate them to practice more, which will help them achieve what they are capable of, irrespective of what that level may be. :thu:

I agree that there are people like those who you describe, and I see/hear them everytime I have to go to the music store. Nothing in the store is going to touch my setup, but these guys all want to try to convince me that this or that is the best when neither is. Some of my friends get flustered when I jam with them and they have a bunch of stuff to choose from. When they ask me what do I want to play through, I tell them I don't care. They end up scratching their heads and asking how I can say that. I just tell them I don't care, so long as what you choose is appropriate for what we're going for. Don't hand me a banjo if you want to do metal, vice versa, don't hand me a high gain monster if you want me to play jazz. They are only tools, and the gear is just a gateway to achieving a result, for me. That being said, depending on how precise you are, will determine what gear you choose, budget not withstanding.

I have a huge multi-amp setup with.... EVERYTHING I need/want/could hope for, and do I use it ALL all of the time? No. It isn't always called for. When I am at home or in the studio do I have it? Yes, that way I can do whatever I need to for the job at hand.

If you want to see pics and read up on the gear click here Go to the gear page for a breakdown on the system.

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