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Is the Ibanez ts-808 pedal good for 5150 boost?


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I have a TS-10, and IMO the tubescreamers are pretty similar to each other. I only tried to boost the lead channel when I had a 5150 (had it about 1 year), and I didn't like it much. I hear boosting the rhythm channel may be pretty cool, and I never tried it before. I always played with the volume at least at 2 or close to 3 where it opened up some and sounded pretty good, though.

One thing I really liked doing was putting an eq in the loop (Boss GE-7) and boosting the lows a little and boosting highs only barely. I hardly liked the amp without the eq, but it sounded pretty big with it.

I also have the Bad Monkey and like that it lets you actually put a bit more bass in whereas the tubescreamer pulls out a little bass which helps tighten up some amps. The Bad Monkey doesn't seem to add harmonic content in the way a tubescreamer does, though, IMO.

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Ahh.. Gotta have some harmonic content though.
And they probly like the rythem channel boosted
because it has more bass. So it probly evens
it out when the pedal sucks a lil bass out.

Not to mention the resonance, and bass knob
on the amp should have no problems fixing that.
Its got plenty of beasty bass to go around.

Because i was thinking get the sd1, and mod it
to the ts 808 tone. :evil:

And save some money.

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I use and SD1 and couldn't be happier, though I'll probably buy a maxon od808 soon enough and give it a shot - you can never have enough od pedals.

I like boosting the lead channel more than the rhythm channel. Keep the pre-gain low (2-3) and it should sound killer.:thu:

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Originally posted by The Idiot

I use and SD1 and couldn't be happier, though I'll probably buy a maxon od808 soon enough and give it a shot - you can never have enough od pedals.

I like boosting the lead channel more than the rhythm channel. Keep the pre-gain low (2-3) and it should sound killer.

Well idiot boy... I agree with you.

Do the ts808 mod yourself!!

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