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New Mnemic album leaked, THICKEST guitar I have heard. (line 6 HD 147)*Clips*


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ah... th guitar sound is produced well - but nothing extraordinary about it ... just decent production. Not near to become 'signature' sound footprint that people would die for years after release.


first time I've heard them I thought - well finally someone to continue where Fear Factory left ... but even first album didnt stand to this challange. Even if sounding good (sometimes awsome) they didnt create anything original so far - which I hoped for when I first heard 'Ghost'



now - I'm a die hard Dino fan - and this is an example of someone that made it to a 'signature' sound AND style on guitar ... and as usual in such cases he has so many followers ... including Mnemic

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I like Mnemic, although that second link you sent was.. interesting. They were awesome when I saw them live, and their other albums sounded nothing like that second clip (the only one I could download).


Audio Injected Soul was a probably my favorite album from them. Megadeath7684 is right though, their old stuff crushes.


I think what a lot of you are doing is something along the lines of judging Metallica's music by St. Anger, without hearing the first few good albums. (Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather pop in some Morbid Angel or Deicide for "older" metal, but you get the point). :thu:

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Their old stuff is WAY better than this. They used to sound like a mix of Soilwork, Meshuggah, and Fear Factory...these songs sound like nu-metal.

The tone is alright, once again, their old tone was better, just like the music.





that new tone is thin man...


and the awesome singer quit...:freak:



i saw em live with that guy and it ruled

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Their old stuff is WAY better than this. They used to sound like a mix of Soilwork, Meshuggah, and Fear Factory...these songs sound like nu-metal.

The tone is alright, once again, their old tone was better, just like the




+1 I used to really like them but i can't get into the new album or new singer much at all. The new singer was better sounding in scarve also.

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