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OT:Spiders in my bathroom!


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Seems my bathroom is a preferred hangout for spiders. I move them to the bushes outside all the time but then a new one appear soon after? It's the same type every time. What kind is this and how do they get there. Sometimes I see them in other places too. They don't bother me just curious about it!



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Originally posted by ejk

I've got a terrible case of arachnaphobia......just looking at that picture scared the bejesus out of me:(.

Go to Australia :)

Seriously. I had it bad. I mean, if I saw I spider, I would completely freeze up and start sweating like hell, struggling to breathe.

Went to australia last year for 5 months. They were EVERYWHERE. And not the friendly little critters we get here in Belgium, poisonous ones, agressive ones, all that stuff.

After a series of nights of camping in the wilderness in a tent that was covered in spiders after about a day, I kind of got used to them. They don't bother me as much anymore.

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Originally posted by fuzzbox

Seems my bathroom is a preferred hangout for spiders. I move them to the bushes outside all the time but then a new one appear soon after? It's the same type every time. What kind is this and how do they get there. Sometimes I see them in other places too. They don't bother me just curious about it!


Zelotes fratris.
Also called 'Ground Spiders'

They make no webs, and are probablly taking care of some other type of bug you have around. Good guys to have around, they won't bite you....

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Originally posted by Gaindrain

Go to Australia

Seriously. I had it bad. I mean, if I saw I spider, I would completely freeze up and start sweating like hell, struggling to breathe.

Went to australia last year for 5 months. They were EVERYWHERE. And not the friendly little critters we get here in Belgium, poisonous ones, agressive ones, all that stuff.

After a series of nights of camping in the wilderness in a tent that was covered in spiders after about a day, I kind of got used to them. They don't bother me as much anymore.

Yeah,those Funnel Web spiders don't run when they see you...unless they're running after you!They sure as hell are aggressive little bastards...and quite venomous,as well.



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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

Zelotes fratris.

Also called 'Ground Spiders'

They make no webs, and are probablly taking care of some other type of bug you have around. Good guys to have around, they won't bite you....



i was gonna say wolf spider. but then again, those are supposed to be alot bigger...

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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

Zelotes fratris.

Also called 'Ground Spiders'

They make no webs, and are probablly taking care of some other type of bug you have around. Good guys to have around, they won't bite you....



We have them in Florida, and they WILL bite, and are aggressive, here.

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Originally posted by Gaindrain

Pic is too blurry to tell. How big is it?

It kind of looks like the regular house spiders we get over here.

I hate those things. Scare the crap out of me.

they are a little less than an inch.
i did get bit from a spider some years back (at least thats what people told me) and my arm got so stiff and the whole arm was in pain and i couldnt play the guitar. After a few days i couldnt take it anymore and boiled a razor blade and cut it up and out came all this puss. i dozed off for a second and then i cleaned it and put a band aid on it and the pain went right away and i could move it again. in about a week it was back to normal. found an old pic from a party with the band aid on:D


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Originally posted by analogtapes

i was gonna say wolf spider. but then again, those are supposed to be alot bigger...



the male wolf spider is about the same size as the ground spider, and sometimes looks similar. But wolf spiders are outdoor spiders, and are only seen indoors when they enter by accident. Since he has seen them alot, it's most likely not a wolf spider.


You want to see some nasty spiders, goto Iraq and find some Camel spiders(well they technically aren't spiders)

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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

the male wolf spider is about the same size as the ground spider, and sometimes looks similar. But wolf spiders are outdoor spiders, and are only seen indoors when they enter by accident. Since he has seen them alot, it's most likely not a wolf spider.

You want to see some nasty spiders, goto Iraq and find some Camel spiders(well they technically aren't spiders)

so when i move them outside they wont survive?

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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

You want to see some nasty spiders, goto Iraq and find some Camel spiders(well they technically aren't spiders)

Aside from a proportionally large cut, Camel Spiders are harmless. They won't bite you unless they feel threatened. The reason coalition soldiers in Iraq thought they were attacking them was because they seek shade during the day -- they were trying to get in the shade of the soldiers.

Most of the stories you hear about camel spiders were made up to scare recruits and whatnot. They have no venom and aren't aggressive.

Thank you Wikipedia. :thu:

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Aside from a proportionally large cut, Camel Spiders are harmless. They won't bite you unless they feel threatened. The reason coalition soldiers in Iraq thought they were attacking them was because they seek shade during the day -- they were trying to get in the shade of the soldiers.

Most of the stories you hear about camel spiders were made up to scare recruits and whatnot. They have no venom and aren't aggressive.

Thank you Wikipedia.

I know, I've been there.... You should hear the stories guys will tell you, but no one ever knows who exactally teh story came from.... it's always 'a friend of a friend'.... blah whatever.... we caught a few there..... body size was about as big as a credit card.... pretty ugly too, i didn't even like messing with them, and I'm a spider guy.....

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Originally posted by fuzzbox

so when i move them outside they wont survive?



Yep. They die.


Best thing is to let them be. If they are there, they are there for a reason. Who knows, you might have termites or something that they are taking care of....


Take a look at this site, it's an interesting read if you have spare time....

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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

Yep. They die.

Best thing is to let them be. If they are there, they are there for a reason. Who knows, you might have termites or something that they are taking care of....

Take a look at
this site
, it's an interesting read if you have spare time....

oh, not my intetion to kill them! i dont mind them being here and im sure they take care of something else, just i dont really want them in the bathroom...crawling up my ass!:eek:

i read somewhere that a person eat an average of 7 spiders in our sleep in our lifetime..:freak:

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Originally posted by fuzzbox

Seems my bathroom is a preferred hangout for spiders. I move them to the bushes outside all the time but then a new one appear soon after? It's the same type every time. What kind is this and how do they get there. Sometimes I see them in other places too. They don't bother me just curious about it!


so when you see this little seed of satan called a spider...do you actually think to yourself "it might not be safe in here i should move it outside to make it more comfortable"? IT's a SPIDER kill the freak'n things.....they are fun to dump gasoline on and burn.

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Originally posted by W.Kyle.C

so when you see this little seed of satan called a spider...do you actually think to yourself "it might not be safe in here i should move it outside to make it more comfortable"? IT's a SPIDER kill the freak'n things.....they are fun to dump gasoline on and burn.


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I was driving along today, and all the sudden a spider dropped down onto the steering wheel!!!

Needless to say I screamed like a bitch and smashed it with my hand all while swerving mindlessly.

The traffic behind me must have thought I was drunk.

It was scary. :cry:

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I seen a program on spiders not too long ago. It was documenting Australia in one part and this spider called a button spider that is apparently the most poisonous in the world. Also went on about the brown recluse. Scary business

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Originally posted by Wolfeman28

Yep. They die.

Best thing is to let them be. If they are there, they are there for a reason. Who knows, you might have termites or something that they are taking care of....

Take a look at
this site
, it's an interesting read if you have spare time....

I actually have a spider that lives in the corner of my kitchen. He keeps my kitchen bug free and I let him live. We have an understanding. :D

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