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Penis bumps


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Fair enough, but I wouldn't remember the name, much less how to spell it. I'm just a dumb guitar player though. If I could remember that stuff I would have gone to med school.

Ya but if you had them you'd remember what they were, you dont want to get busy with a lay-dee and not be able to give her an explanation as to what the bumps are. She wont be down with that.:thu:

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I know exactly what that is. HPV- Human Papaloma Virus, also known as Genital Warts.

My drummer found out he had them, because he gave them to a girl he had slept with. A girl I used to sleep with emailed me a while back and told me she had them and that I needed to get checked. Turns out I didn't, but I'm well educated about them.

They are small, sesame seed sized, flesh colored bumps (actually warts) on the penis and scrotum areas. You should go to a doctor and have them frozen off every so often, because they'll keep coming and if you don't take care of them...will make a cluster and get pretty ugly.

The good news is, these are harmless to men.

The bad news is 1) There's no cure. 2) HPV can cause Cervical Cancer in women. 3) These can be transmitted sexually, or hand-to-genital.

Go to a clinic, get them removed, and wear a rubber from now on. Sorry, bro. I really hope for your sake that's not what it is, or something worse, but that's definitely what it sounds like.

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Actually there is a treatment that prevents them from coming back called Gardesil I believe. Men can ask for this shot as well. And instead of getting them burned off ask for a cream called aldera or something like that.

Yeah and it was the drummer and not you right (for the post above mine)

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I know exactly what that is. HPV- Human Papaloma Virus, also known as Genital Warts.

My drummer found out he had them, because he gave them to a girl he had slept with. A girl I used to sleep with emailed me a while back and told me she had them and that I needed to get checked. Turns out I didn't, but I'm well educated about them.

They are small, sesame seed sized, flesh colored bumps (actually warts) on the penis and scrotum areas. You should go to a doctor and have them frozen off every so often, because they'll keep coming and if you don't take care of them...will make a cluster and get pretty ugly.

The good news is, these are harmless to men.

The bad news is 1) There's no cure. 2) HPV can cause Cervical Cancer in women. 3) These can be transmitted sexually, or hand-to-genital.

Go to a clinic, get them removed, and wear a rubber from now on. Sorry, bro. I really hope for your sake that's not what it is, or something worse, but that's definitely what it sounds like.



Gimme a break man. What he is describing is exactly what 90% of guys have. Its the oil glands at the base of the hair folicles.


FYI...genital warts almost always look like a classic wart...cauliflower shaped with sharp raised edges. They rarely are even found on the scrotum.

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Gimme a break man. What he is describing is exactly what 90% of guys have. Its the oil glands at the base of the hair folicles.

FYI...genital warts almost always look like a classic wart...cauliflower shaped with sharp raised edges. They rarely are even found on the scrotum.



Try doing some research before you sound off. How's that shoe taste?


HPV, look it up.

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Gimme a break man. What he is describing is exactly what 90% of guys have. Its the oil glands at the base of the hair folicles.

FYI...genital warts almost always look like a classic wart...cauliflower shaped with sharp raised edges. They rarely are even found on the scrotum.



Genital warts

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can affect both men and women. They are caused by various types of human papillomavirus (HPV).


In women, HPV can infect the cervix, vagina, vulva, and area around the anus. Genital warts in women often cause abnormal Pap test results. Certain types of HPV may increase the risk of cervical cancer.

In men, HPV can infect the penis, scrotum, and area around the anus.

Genital warts may continue to grow and spread, or they may go away with or without treatment. A person infected with HPV remains infected even after treatment to remove visible warts or if the warts go away without treatment. Warts often return after treatment. Pregnancy and diabetes increase the likelihood that warts will return and increase growth of existing warts.


HPV types that cause genital warts are different from those that cause common, plantar, filiform, and flat warts.



Author Kerry V. Cooke

Author Amy Fackler, MA

Editor Kathleen M. Ariss, MS

Primary Medical Reviewer Patrice Burgess, MD - Family Medicine


Not all forms of HPV cause warts. Some warts are even so small they're not even visible unless under microscope. It's been said that up to 80% of sexually active adults have HPV in some form or another. The less common are the forms with visible warts and/or cancer causing cells.

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Try doing some research before you sound off. How's that shoe taste?

HPV, look it up.



You're obviously an idiot. I have done research. I would be willing to bet its not HPV. The dude even said that he went to the doctor and the doctor told him they were not HPV, but rather glands that are normal. You have a PhD and would like to challenge the doc's diagnosis I assume? Doctors see HPV every day and know what it looks like. I have exactly what the original poster described on MY sack. My doctor said it was nothing. I had a biopsy performed on a small skin sample because I wanted to be sure. The result was NEGATIVE.


Just because you have warts on your jammy doesn't mean every bump everyone has down there is HPV.

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You're obviously an idiot. I have done research. I would be willing to bet its not HPV. The dude even said that he went to the doctor and the doctor told him they were not HPV, but rather glands that are normal. You have a PhD and would like to challenge the doc's diagnosis I assume? Doctors see HPV every day and know what it looks like. I have exactly what the original poster described on MY sack. My doctor said it was nothing. I had a biopsy performed on a small skin sample because I wanted to be sure. The result was NEGATIVE.

Just because you have warts on your jammy doesn't mean every bump everyone has down there is HPV.




I'm pretty far from an idiot. But it's safe to say you're an arrogant little prick.


I don't trust a single doctor's diagnosis. I never would. No one ever should. If he didn't go to a specialist, then he should, and ask to have his bumps SPECIFICALLY tested for HPV. They'll do a scrape sample, and put it under the microscope. **If his doc didn't do this, there's no way to be sure if it was or was not HPV**


Read this post, then my last one, and then please choke on that other shoe you just ate.

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I'm pretty far from an idiot. But it's safe to say you're an arrogant little prick.

I don't trust a single doctor's diagnosis. I never would. No one ever should. If he didn't go to a specialist, then he should, and ask to have his bumps SPECIFICALLY tested for HPV. They'll do a scrape sample, and put it under the microscope. **If his doc didn't do this, there's no way to be sure if it was or was not HPV**

Read this post, then my last one, and then please choke on that other shoe you just ate.

I read your other post. It means nothing. You are trying to challenge a doctor's diagnosis over the INTERNET. Do you not understand that? How the hell did I eat a shoe? If you were here, I would smack you in the face with my giant balls and you would then realize that they are nice and HPV free, after you give me oral pleasure of course. :eek: Open up big boy.

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