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OT: Neighbor pot bust. 425 pounds....


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Except all of those listed are chemicaly altered with synthetic materials? In natural form ie..coca plant is much less potent or mind altering. Marijuana is a plant that other species consume as well. Do some research and you will find some shocking stuff about its origins and uses.



Opium is just squeezed out of opium poppies isn't it?

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Opium is a drug to you?



depends on the usage and circumstance. Blackwater pretty much hit the nail on the head.


IMO natural substances are not drugs, that includes: Tobacco, Marijuana, Peyote, Mushrooms, Salvia, etc...


Honestly I think it depends on the user if its a drug or not. dependency=drug IMO, casual user= not a drug, just a good time:cool:


Drug is just such an ugly word, I don't care if the whole world thinks that pot is a drug, and I know what you mean by it and agree that its a mind altering substance, but IMO that doesn't=drug

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Except all of those listed are chemicaly altered with synthetic materials? In natural form ie..coca plant is much less potent or mind altering. Marijuana is a plant that other species consume as well. Do some research and you will find some shocking stuff about its origins and uses.


Synthetic? You can make a type of coke by stamping it with your feet, think wine. You can't just smoke weed off the plant, it needs to be properly dried, which means you need to process it for use. Same with any other drug.

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Synthetic? You can make a type of coke by stamping it with your feet, think wine. You can't just smoke weed off the plant, it needs to be properly dried, which means you need to process it for use. Same with any other drug.



actually, you can. the only thing drying and curing does is make it burn more smoothly so the smoke is less harsh, and a good long period of curing will up potency a tiny bit, but, you could actually pull buds right off a plant and smoke them without any processing whatsoever....

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actually, you can. the only thing drying and curing does is make it burn more smoothly so the smoke is less harsh, and a good long period of curing will up potency a tiny bit, but, you could actually pull buds right off a plant and smoke them without any processing whatsoever....


I've tried it, couldn't get it to light. But I guess if were so inclined, you could do it.

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I've tried it, couldn't get it to light. But I guess if were so inclined, you could do it.


well if it was still wet as hell and you couldn't light it. but the plant would dry itself eventually anyways when it died... so it's not really processing. plus, technically you wouldn't have to smoke it.. even if it was still wet and unlightable you could go grind it up and toss it in some peanut butter or butter or something with fats and oils and cook food with it and eat it and get stoned off your ass... so.... :love: .. what was I talking about again? :confused:

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Pot is an herb. A plant that doesn't need "processing".

You call drying out "processing"?

LOL! Really! You cantell who's been throught he school DARE program.

So, is beer a drug? It has much more "processing" than weed. (Notice that I haven't yet said if I think beer is a drug or not.)

I think of cocain, heroin, etc as a drug becuase it does need so much processing.

I suppose all this is open to debate, depending on your agenda.

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no, marijuana is natural, therefore IMO it is not a drug...chemicals are drugs(IE: Prozac, morphine, viagra, etc...) things that come from the earth are not drugs:thu:




noun form of drug:



Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

drug1 /dr?g/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[druhg] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, drugged, drug

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LOL! Really! You cantell who's been throught he school DARE program.

So, is beer a drug? It has much more "processing" than weed. (Notice that I haven't yet said if I think beer is a drug or not.)

I think of cocain, heroin, etc as a drug becuase it does need so much processing.


Yes I would say alcohol is a drug. So is caffeine etc. I drink, I've smoked a good amount of weed. Pot is a drug. Its main use is to alter your mind state.

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