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tried out Vintage Modern


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It was at GC, so I really couldn't open it up much. I'm very dissapointed. The cleaner channel sucked badly. The gain was OK but nothing to get up for. I compare it to the VHT Deliverance as it is laid out like one. This amp is not up to all the hype. I seriously hope the JVM is beter.

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It was at GC, so I really couldn't open it up much. I'm very dissapointed. The cleaner channel sucked badly. The gain was OK but nothing to get up for. I compare it to the VHT Deliverance as it is laid out like one. This amp is not up to all the hype. I seriously hope the JVM is beter.



Well, the VHT is a TOTALLY different beast than VM. I played a bit on VM last night at low volumes...I think this really needs to be turned up, but managed to get some good old school lead tones. Other than that..yea it was a disappointment. The JVM sounds great though, as I have one.

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how does the VM compare to the DSL 100?



Normally I am not this strongly opinionated, but it's {censored}. The DSL walks all over it pretty much however you might use it, and you can actually switch between whatever separate sounds you want on top of it. I cannot understand why Marshall even bothered to make this amp. They totally must be banking on the idea that anything with their name on it will sell as long as they just keep making new stuff for the hell of it.

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Normally I am not this strongly opinionated, but it's {censored}. The DSL walks all over it pretty much however you might use it, and you can actually switch between whatever separate sounds you want on top of it. I cannot understand why Marshall even bothered to make this amp. They totally must be banking on the idea that anything with their name on it will sell as long as they just keep making new stuff for the hell of it.



yeah i thought the DSL was supposed to cover those vintage tones, as described in the book "jim marshall the father of loud" its hailed the DSL is "perfect marriage of vintage and modern tones"


the books talks about how they sold many more amps after taking off the park logo and replacing it with a marshall logo


but i am looking forward to the JVM! i hope it impresses me as much as the DSL and 6100 have.


i also hope they come up with a more simple perhaps two channel amp that covers the tonal range of the JVM, but still offers the same flexbility. Also one with a 100% tube signal would be good for the sake of purity, like the DSL tho im no purist, except when i comes to guitar amps, but for practical reasons. 12 modes is just an over kill, even they sound better than anything ive heard. I wouldn't mind seeing them release a two channel amp that has 6 modes that is successor to the DSL.

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i wonder if marshall has any new ground they can uncover?



If you're looking for a 'new' Marhsall tone ,the only thing close would be OD2 red. Voiced for lower mids than the rest of the amp... It's kind of a half assed modern tone as this is essentially a JCM 800 super hot-rodded with a darker tone. I still enjoy it. I had a Stiletto Ace and Trident before getting this and for me, JVM blows them away. Mesa just can't do that ballsy ,crunchy Marshall tone. As well as Marshall can't do a scooped Recto tone.

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If you're looking for a 'new' Marhsall tone ,the only thing close would be OD2 red. Voiced for lower mids than the rest of the amp... It's kind of a half assed modern tone as this is essentially a JCM 800 super hot-rodded with a darker tone. I still enjoy it. I had a Stiletto Ace and Trident before getting this and for me, JVM blows them away. Mesa just can't do that ballsy ,crunchy Marshall tone. As well as Marshall can't do a scooped Recto tone.



The od2 didn't sound that dramitcally different from the od 1. The difference is barely audible unless it sounds al ot different at ear bleed levels.

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another vote for the VM sounding like garbage. its voicing wasnt even that good for vintage stuff, which is what i was expecting more of from it.

the JVM though, i think is a real winner for high gain metal. tighter then any other marshall amp i've played. IMO, its close to the fireball in gain and compression, but with more midrange on tap. i honestly could hear barely any difference between OD1 and OD2. the clean was pretty good on it as well. great amp overall though.

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i honestly could hear barely any difference between OD1 and OD2.



That depends on where you dial the mid knobs. Anything under 9 o' clock and you will notice it big time. I use OD1 orange with mids at 11 and OD2 red with mids at 8. Big difference in tone. According to the manual - Od2 is voiced at 500 HZ compared to 650 HZ typical Marshall mids. Also, OD2 is a little smoother than OD1.

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I'll give the JVM a try, but the VM is out. I compare it to VHT because both amps allow for 3 or 4 pre amp tubes. I was dreadfully dissapointed in the so called Vintage mode. I'll stick with my JCM800 for now. The JCM800 has an edginess that just can't be reproduced by any other amp. The 800 does lack gain though.

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