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I just shot a dog.....


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with a paintball gun. He was a rotweiler that kept tearing through my fence to get to my golden retriever in heat. I have warned the owners several times to keep him away from my house, but I looked outside this morning and he was coming under the fence. So I grabbed my paintball gun after he was in my yard and shot him about 50 times before he got out. I hope I did the right thing, I feel bad for the dog but his owers need to realize that I could have used lead instad of paint. I don't expect to see him around my house anymore. He was howling and crying all the way home.

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with a paintball gun. He was a rotweiler that kept tearing through my fence to get to my golden retriever in heat. I have warned the owners several times to keep him away from my house, but I looked outside this morning and he was coming under the fence. So I grabbed my paintball gun after he was in my yard and shot him about 50 times before he got out. I hope I did the right thing, I feel bad for the dog but his owers need to realize that I could have used lead instad of paint. I don't expect to see him around my house anymore. He was howling and crying all the way home.



haha. "HIGH FIVE!"

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I moved into my old house years ago. The neighbors dog used to chase me into my own house. :mad:


One time he bit my leg as I was getting out my car door. :mad:


So grabbed an ax from the garage (and not a guitar axe mind you) and chased his ass back across my property.


The dog was hit & killed by a car the next day. I felt bad :cry: ...I wanted to kill his ass with that axe instead. :evil: .....................:D

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with a paintball gun. He was a rotweiler that kept tearing through my fence to get to my golden retriever in heat. I have warned the owners several times to keep him away from my house, but I looked outside this morning and he was coming under the fence. So I grabbed my paintball gun after he was in my yard and shot him about 50 times before he got out. I hope I did the right thing, I feel bad for the dog but his owers need to realize that I could have used lead instad of paint. I don't expect to see him around my house anymore. He was howling and crying all the way home.



The dog was just doing what dogs do. I wish you had painted the damn owners instead.:thu:

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Better be careful there. You could face some legal action if your neighbors want to be pricks. I don't blame you personally but some people are just jackasses. Did you see the thread where the dudes were going around peppering people with their paintball guns??


Just be careful dude:confused:

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My money's on your neighbors being incredibly pissed and possibly taking legal action. I certainly don't blame you for shooting the dog, but you gotta understand the consequences of that.


You can argue that it was the only safe solution though to not having unwanted puppies (as that dog would probably attack you had you tried to physically restrain it). Good luck!

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