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Wizard Amplification, opinions please!


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According to James Hetfield of Metallica, Wizard amps are a "hi-fi sounding amp, has all the highs, all the lows".


He used them on Reload & Garage Inc. alongside his Boogie TriAxis preamp, sweet tone!

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Ask CrazyGeo about 'em he owns one at least and has alot of experience with 'em. I tried a Wizard Metal 100 way back in the early 90's....at the time it was the most brutal amp I'd ever played thru......they sure aren't cheap on the newer market.....I knew a dealer who had a couple of them for a long time and before he died hadn't sold them and was asking I believe in the 5K range..this was a few years ago...

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well i can't announce anything but needless to say they have perked my interest, yes i have heard from george! Just want to make sure people had interest in such a product, cause they are damn'd expensive!


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they're awesome from what i've heard (which is mostly from a bunch of guys here), but i don't know about 5 grand awesome.


they remind me a lot of my Voodoo Witchdoctor (which, suffice to say, is a very good thing) except a little more hi-fi. i'd love to own one but, again, 5 grand.

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