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Gibson Les Paul Custom vintage mahogany, good deal?


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These guitars are ridiculously cheap for a USA Gibson. I know there have been numerous wars over their recent quality, but I have a 2003 that rocks, I love it...soooo


Has anyone played one of these? I'm selling my Ibanez RGA121, and am thinking of picking one of these up. I have a LP Standard currently...The studio lacks the maple top in this case, would that make a ton of difference? I love mahogany bodies on guitars, so I'd think it would be cool. I hate the burstbucker pickups though so they would have to go.







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Yes, I have one (that I actually got for free through a promotion), and it is very nice... they come with Burstbucker Pros like the Standards too, so that's an awesome plus. I highly recommend them for their price... I got a good one. Mine's the cherry stained version. I got an awesome mahogany grain on mine too.

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I don't see the point if you have a standard already. They're good for the money but definitely not up to par with the higher end gibson stuff.



yeah theres no reason. thats like buying an esp EC and then an LTD ec-400. i would suggest the ec-1000 over that anyday, anyways



It's a good deal if you don't mind paying $800 for a $500 guitar.




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I have one, the wood grain on mine is a thing of beauty. The burstbucker pu's are horrible. Try a 498T or 500T w/ a 490R combo. My vintage mahogany has a EMG-85 & the bridge & 81 at the neck. It sounds and plays pretty damn good & it looks as good as a lp that cost 3 times as much as it costs.

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I have one, the wood grain on mine is a thing of beauty. The burstbucker pu's are horrible. Try a 498T or 500T w/ a 490R combo. My vintage mahogany has a EMG-85 & the bridge & 81 at the neck. It sounds and plays pretty damn good & it looks as good as a lp that cost 3 times as much as it costs.



Nice! I had the burstbuckers in my standard and they blew ass for anything heavy so they had to go. Hey, what do you tune to? Do you find intonation problems with the Les Paul scale?



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I tune that guitar I showed in the pic to Eb and sometimes standard E & drop D, but 90% of the time its in Eb. Combined with the EMG-85 it gives a pretty darn convincing slayer tone with a upper mid marshall type amp.

I also have a teal blue LP studio and a 76' RI gibson explorer, my LP vintage mahogany is a little harder to tune and doesnt stay in tune quite as long as my other gibson guitars but its still a solid sounding guitar. I think the problem is the guy who set the action up doesnt have it setup 100% perfect. Where as my other LP & my explorer takes seconds to switch between all kinds of wacky tunings and they practicly stay in tune for a week.

If you want to hear my EMG equipped vintage mahogany studio in action, check out my slayer dead skin mask clip I just did a few days ago.

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Yes, I have one (that I actually got for free through a promotion), and it is very nice... they come with Burstbucker Pros like the Standards too, so that's an awesome plus. I highly recommend them for their price... I got a good one. Mine's the cherry stained version. I got an awesome mahogany grain on mine too.

Wait, you ACTUALLY got a guitar from a promotion?! :eek: What promotion was it and why wasn't HC roaring about it?:mad:

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what are you guys talking about? there's assloads of studios and standards that play like {censored} too...



The assload ratio swings towards the Vin mahog. I have played {censored} LP Studios, some have been {censored}e. But ALL vin mahog LP's I have tried have been planks.

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