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Anyone ever have an anxiety attack? Any advice?


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Go see your doc and ask for SSRI antidepressants like Effexor, Prozac, Wellbutrin - stay away from antianxiolitics like Xanax, Clonazepam and the like - they are addictive in the long term.



{censored} that. Dude's out of work and in debt. But even if he were a millionaire I wouldn't recommend he take any of that crap unless he were suicidal.

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Here are three things that have helped me:
-I meditate 30 min in the morning everyday.
-even 15 min on the exercise bike is helpful
-when feeling bad I try to avoid much TV and read instead

I sometimes wonder if these things are situational, psychological, or neurological, or all of them. The answer would suggest which avenue of treatment to pursue.

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Working the overnight really gave me a bad anxiety attack.


I've struggled with anxiety, and this is what I tried that didn't help:

- Going to a therapist

- Breaking up with my girlfriend

- Graduating college

- More sleep

- Less sleep

- Unemployment

- Employment

- Welbutrin

- Lexapro

- Alcohol


This is what did work:

- Quitting drinking for a while

- Cut out caffeine

- Jogging/exercise/sports

- Writing down a plan to improve my situation

- This book


I notice now that if I have too much caffeine or if I'm in a very stressful situation, the anxiety comes back. If I'm eating healthy, drinking water, staying active, and manage (not eliminate, MANAGE) my stress by thinking things logically through, it's better within hours.

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Go see your doc and ask for SSRI antidepressants like Effexor, Prozac, Wellbutrin - stay away from antianxiolitics like Xanax, Clonazepam and the like - they are addictive in the long term.



Worst possible idea ever. I was given wellbutrin and before that Lexapro. I will tell you from personal experience that these medications are NOT MEANT FOR ANXIETY. They are antidepressants and make you feel weird. These have to be taken on a daily basis, so the first few days you have to adjust to the meds. The following happened to me: trembling, cotton mouth, inability to focus, my head felt like it was burning. These side effects were just as bad as the anxiety itself. By all means, get a prescription for xanax (I've got one for atavan) and take it once during a panic attack. Xanax (and I know this will sound bad) basically shuts you down and prevents you from feeling anything, so panic get done away with. After the first time I took it, I just kept an extra supply of two or three pills around with me, and that sense of security gets me through everything. I have literally only taken one of my pills ever, so {censored} getting addicted. The only way to get addicted is to let yourself get addicted by taking them before you freak out, letting yourself grow dependant on pills to function.


Also, ever have a panic attack onstage? I have. It's terrible. I finished the last three songs of a set behind my amp.

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If you can....get away from that effing computer and take a walk. Sitting in front of it in a claustrophobic situation pondering your problems is quite possibly the worst thing you can do. Get out and get a breath of fresh air.

I second all the suggestions about exercise....wear yourself out and make some good old natural serotonin for your brain...best sleep medicine on the planet.

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I'm surprised no one mentioned play more. Thats how I've been dealing for a long time now. This is why my guitar always stays close to me.




I tell ya, I was going to cancel giving a bass lesson to my nephew, but I'm glad I didn't. It felt great. He's practicing and really making a ton of progress very quickly.

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Take a deep breath, take a walk, etc.. instead of worrying about what your not doing, figure out what you need to do, and make it reality.

I have pretty bad anxiety, but Im much better now. I was in your place a few years ago. debt, no job after college, etc.. it sucked. We just had a year of unemployment to sit and re-wire ourselves how to think. We both changed dramatically, quit smoking, and just made a plan to get back on the right path.

Now, about 3 years later, We are pretty happy. Still got debt and such from then, but we just try to improve every year. Not even the same people as we were before that experience. Sometimes you just have to go through {censored}ty times to build the personality to succeed at life..

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Just breathe deep, and tell yourself nothing is wrong :) When I say I had it bad, I went to the ER once and had collapsed 1/4 a lung from hyperventilating, so yeah ;) ... More debt to the hospital, lol...

And yes, playing helped. I played a ton during that time, and recorded all kinds of stuff...

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