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Divine Heresy pre-sale pack came in today.


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Hope all of you guys jumped on the pre-release order of the new Divine Heresy disc. Turned out to be a killer deal. CD, T-shirt, pick cards and sticker for $11.95


Anyway, the disc is pretty solid. IMO, this is the best material out of Dino since the Obsolete disc. He just has massive chops. Of course the rhythm stuff is fast and super tight. His lead work is pretty good to. He definitaly has his own voice and phrasing.


I heard mixed reviews on the vocal front, but I think the guy is better than 90% of the other screamo vocalist. He`s not over the top. Reminds me of FBD era Anselmo in a way.


I like it and would have bought it at regular price. Getting the T-shirt and goodies was definitaly a plus.:thu:



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Yeah, the vocalist could be worse, but that doesn't change the fact that he sucks. If they had a good gutteral singer that disc would be awesome. As it is, it has mindblowing drumming and great production but the vocals just sort of kill it for me.




I`ve been away for about a month, but seems that some things never change. Dick heads will always be dick heads and act like their opinion is fact. Whether you like the guy or not, it`s obvious that he doesn`t suck. But judging solely from your post, I would say you suck at being human and giving people respect for their hard work. Don`t listen to it if you don`t like it.



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I`ve been away for about a month, but seems that some things never change. Dick heads will always be dick heads and act like their opinion is fact. Whether you like the guy or not, it`s obvious that he doesn`t suck. But judging solely from your post, I would say you suck at being human and giving people respect for their hard work. Don`t listen to it if you don`t like it.



Whoa, should've put my flame suit on! All I was saying is that I don't like him. It's not "obvious that he doesn't suck" seeing as whether or not someone sucks is a matter of opinion. I said "the fact that" because it's just my writing style but obviously I don't think that whether X sucks or not is a fact per se. I might have been more precise by saying "it doesn't change the fact that I think he sucks." Would that have made you happy?


And while I'm sure that Vext worked very hard doing the vocals it doesn't have to make me like them... if I shat a big turd into your otherwise delicious meal, would you eat it? Probably not. But what if I put a lot of hard work into {censored}ting it out? Would that mean you weren't "giving people respect for their hard work?" :rolleyes:


And I have listened to it a number of times, primarily because I have a weakness for mindblowing drumming, which Tim Yeung delivers in spades. :rawk:

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Whoa, should've put my flame suit on! All I was saying is that I don't like him. It's not "obvious that he doesn't suck" seeing as whether or not someone sucks is a matter of opinion. I said "the fact that" because it's just my writing style but obviously I don't think that whether X sucks or not is a fact
per se
. I might have been more precise by saying "it doesn't change the fact that I think he sucks." Would that have made you happy?

And while I'm sure that Vext worked very hard doing the vocals it doesn't have to make me like them... if I shat a big turd into your otherwise delicious meal, would you eat it? Probably not. But what if I put a lot of hard work into {censored}ting it out? Would that mean you weren't "giving people respect for their hard work?"

And I
listened to it a number of times, primarily because I have a weakness for mindblowing drumming, which Tim Yeung delivers in spades.

I can always tell when someone puts a lot of thought into their argument when they drag out the `ol "If I shat a big turd" comments. Do yourself a favor. If you don`t like something, then say "I don`t like it".

Just remember this. There are people out there that can and will say the same thing about you and your music. I don`t know, because I havn`t listened to your stuff. But I would never insult your creative efforts by saying you sucked. And I don`t even know you. Crazy that some complete stranger would be that kind when you yourself cannot do the same.


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I can always tell when someone puts a lot of thought into their argument when they drag out the `ol "If I shat a big turd" comments. Do yourself a favor. If you don`t like something, then say "I don`t like it".

Just remember this. There are people out there that can and will say the same thing about you and your music. I don`t know, because I havn`t listened to your stuff. But I would never insult your creative efforts by saying you sucked. And I don`t even know you. Crazy that some complete stranger would be that kind when you yourself cannot do the same.




I think you're kind of blowing this all out of proportion.


Also for what it's worth I enjoyed that Kuroi project you got thinkpad, I added ya too.

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First of all,


Just remember this. There are people out there that can and will say the same thing about you and your music. I don`t know, because I havn`t listened to your stuff. But I would never insult your creative efforts by saying you sucked. And I don`t even know you. Crazy that some complete stranger would be that kind when you yourself cannot do the same.




Since when is it some kind of mortal sin to express a dislike for something? Besides, I'm not insulting his "creative efforts," I'm just saying I don't like the sound of his voice. Kind of like saying that you like X's guitar playing, but you think their tone sucks. You're making a huge deal out of this.


Anyway the {censored} example was intended to remind you that just because you put a lot of work into something does not mean that it's beyond criticism. Go ahead and listen to my stuff. If you think it sucks, then go ahead and tell me so. I won't pretend I wouldn't care, but you and me and everyone else is damn well entitled to their opinion. Jeez.

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Yeah, I guess you guys are right. It`s ok to be a dick and slam someone`s hard work. But to stick up for a band or singer in this case, is over reacting.

I forgot how the trend on this forum is to slam everyone else`s work in order to compensate for the fact that we are all nobodys.

Sorry, I`m just not feeling it tonight. I chose to call a dick head a dick head and {censored} anyone who doesn`t like it.


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Yeah, I guess you guys are right. It`s ok to be a dick and slam someone`s hard work. But to stick up for a band or singer in this case, is over reacting.

I forgot how the trend on this forum is to slam everyone else`s work in order to compensate for the fact that we are all nobodys.

Sorry, I`m just not feeling it tonight. I chose to call a dick head a dick head and {censored} anyone who doesn`t like it.




Unfortunately that's the trend for anyone in metal, and that's basically what the amp forum is. I see it all the time.. "That wasn't brutal enough", "obscure enough", "Didn't sound enough like it was recorded in a garage".. typical metalhead banter I guess. Dino seems like a solid player though, this album being pushed so much actually made me see what he was rather than what I used to think he was.

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Wait, so now saying that something sucks is being a "dickhead?"


Well, why don't you give me your opinion on this guy's guitar skills...





and @ noodleface - as much as many people deny it, "not brutal enough" is very rarely the reason that people don't like something, even those who listen to brutal music. Sometimes, it just don't sound good. Plain and simple.


For example, I would hardly describe Phil Anselmo's vocals on "Cowboys From Hell" as brutal, but they fit the music perfectly and make a great album all the much better. However, on this CD we have the opposite... vocals which sound out of place and detract from the music rather than add to it. Very similar thing on Cryptopsy's "Whisper Supremacy" and "And Then You'll Beg." Just the wrong vocalist for the music, but the music was phenomenal.

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Unfortunately that's the trend for anyone in metal, and that's basically what the amp forum is. I see it all the time.. "That wasn't brutal enough", "obscure enough", "Didn't sound enough like it was recorded in a garage".. typical metalhead banter I guess. Dino seems like a solid player though, this album being pushed so much actually made me see what he was rather than what I used to think he was.






That`s cool. Everyone deserves a little respect every once in a while. I suppose little crap like this shouldn`t get under my skin. But after so many years as a musician and metal head, I know it`s not neccesary. I`ve lived breathed and crapped metal for over 25 years and I still don`t find it neccesary to slam people`s work. If I don`t like it, I normally say it`s not my thing. Fact is, these guys are pro musicians for a reason. They don`t suck. Beyond that it`s all open for interpretation.



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