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Down III has leaked.


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He said he gave his heart and soul to some chick

that must have been like 50 pounds of meat

Haha, they were a pretty big (fat) band at one point. They had a 400 pound bassist, Todd Strange.

The thing that kinda hurts Crowbar is that everyone knows them for "All I Had I Gave" or "Existence Is Punishment" and that was off their first profesionally recorded album.
They've gotten WAY better since then. Pick up "Sonic Excess In Its Purest Form". It's miles ahead of the older stuff... better production, tones, songwriting, singing. Also check out "Odd Fellows Rest" and "Broken Glass". Those 3 are the pinnacle Crowbar albums IMO. Broken glass has some background vox from Phil Anselmo. :cool:

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i've had down three a couple days and i am disappointed. i just doesn't rock like nola did.



i feel the same way.. i was really excited about this album, but i'm kinda disappointed myself. phil's singing is a bit off.. he doesnt have that high range anymore, and the music is too mellow

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Thank you mucho:thu: I am a huge DOWN fan. I'm in the minority, but I prefer DOWN II to Nola. I also prefer COC's America's Volume Dealer. I like the southern style on both of those discs.

I can already tell I'm going to love III as well. I have no problem with the "mellowness". Hey, it's DOWN..........not Soilent Green, Crowbar, or Pantera:D

IMO: Down>COC>Pantera>Soilent Green>Crowbar>Superjoint Ritual

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