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Epiphone LP Elitist through Mesa Lonestar-What the Heck?


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What's up guys? I recently purchased a Mesa Lonestar 50/100 Watt 2x12 Combo after playing one at a local music store. The tone was awesome coming out of the amp. I was so excited. Yeaaa. Anyway, I got to the gig and hooked it up and started playing. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH. I couldn't get anything to sound good. Tried every possible combination. The drive channel sounded like hell. So, I switched back to my trusty Fender Twin Reverb Reissue. That amp kills with my Epi Elitist. Now, that being said, when I first played the Mesa Lonestar at the music store I used a Fender SRV strat with it and the tone killed me. The question is: Is the Mesa Lonestar an amp that works best with Strat style guitars?

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the drive side can definitely be muddy... if you switch to el34's (instead of the 6l6's) it should clean up a bit. i think this amp likes single coils more... or really any guitar that has a pronounced top end (because it's voiced pretty dark). It took years for me to get used to and to dial in the drive side... it won't sound like what you think it should when playing by yourself... but when with a band, this amp cuts through amazingly and it sits in the mix well without being too overbearing. I wish it had a little more usable gain, but it's still a great amp. The boost switch is a feature i wish more (every) amps had.

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I've only tried the Lone Star Classic with a Les Paul Custom (all mahogany) and an Ibanez SZ520. The SZ sounded muddy but I think that's mostly because of the not-so-great pickups. The LP Custom sounded good. The amp does have a lot of bass though and I found it hard to dial out. I kept wanting more presence and treble out of it even though it was a very pleasing sound.

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Yeah, it was the strangest and most awkward feeling. When I plugged into the amp at the music store with the SRV I felt it was the best amp I'd ever played through. When taking the amp I bought to the gig, I felt the sounds coming out were contrived and petty compared to the Fender Twin Reissue. I couldn't believe my ears. So, I assumed it must be the guitar. Well, anyway, I hate this amp is not flexible. It's going up for sale.

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You might wanna make some changes before selling it, like the speaker. I dunno what's in yours but I got myself a Nomad 55 combo - way too dark for my taste (C90), so I changed the speakers to G12T-75 and I only run it with EL34 and there's a big improvement, especially treble and presence.

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You might wanna make some changes before selling it, like the speaker. I dunno what's in yours but I got myself a Nomad 55 combo - way too dark for my taste (C90), so I changed the speakers to G12T-75 and I only run it with EL34 and there's a big improvement, especially treble and presence.



I think I might try that. Thanks man.

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the drive side can definitely be muddy... if you switch to el34's (instead of the 6l6's) it should clean up a bit. i think this amp likes single coils more... or really any guitar that has a pronounced top end (because it's voiced pretty dark). It took years for me to get used to and to dial in the drive side... it won't sound like what you think it should when playing by yourself... but when with a band, this amp cuts through amazingly and it sits in the mix well without being too overbearing. I wish it had a little more usable gain, but it's still a great amp. The boost switch is a feature i wish more (every) amps had.



But that's what is so strange about the whole situation. I actually played it the night before the with my LP Elitist and the tone was okay. I take it to the gig and I was uncomfortable to say the least. The tone wasn't there at all. I have never disliked a tone from an amp as much. The DRIVE channel sounded TERRIBLE and the clean channel with reverb sounded like a cheap imitation of Fender.

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