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I just blew a ton of money...


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I've got a new, factory fresh/built EBMM JP6 coming my way from the factory in about 4 weeks. Ordered from Basscentral. AND, I've got a brand new Mark IV short head coming in about 2 weeks. My dear Lord I've just spent a ton of money and yet I want a 2x12 cab (either Mesa or Orange I think) even though I already have a great 4x12 cab (handmade Diamond cab). What the {censored} is wrong with me??


Here's the thing - I already have a Mark IV in rackmount version. Why o' why did I just buy another???!!!


Anyone wanna take bets on how soon I'll be selling some of this stuff here?? God help me... I really just need to practice more and get proficient on the instrument for the first time in my life ;-)

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I've got a new, factory fresh/built EBMM JP6 coming my way from the factory in about 4 weeks. Ordered from Basscentral. AND, I've got a brand new Mark IV short head coming in about 2 weeks. My dear Lord I've just spent a ton of money and yet I want a 2x12 cab (either Mesa or Orange I think) even though I already have a great 4x12 cab (handmade Diamond cab). What the {censored} is wrong with me??

Here's the thing - I already have a Mark IV in rackmount version. Why o' why did I just buy another???!!!

Anyone wanna take bets on how soon I'll be selling some of this stuff here?? God help me... I really just need to practice more and get proficient on the instrument for the first time in my life ;-)

Stereo Mk IV's are a hell of an incentive to practice. :idea:

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since you say that you're not proficient on guitar, i can't assume that the second head was for a backup. that means you're just plain stupid. there's no reason to have two of the same amp unless one is a backup.


you're probably not really stupid, but probably do have more money than you know what to do with.

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Well, I am stupid as {censored} that's for sure - witness what I've just done for Christ's sake. I don't suck at a guitar, but I could sure be better and that's what I mean - I really should just forget equipment and buckle down on the instrument for a few months and get more proficient. In any event, at least I know I've got a good axe coming my way soon. Hope like hell I don't have to come back here selling soon...

Of course, MIV's are the {censored} so don't really know if I've done anything truly stupid there or not. I mean, yeah, I've got one already, but stereo could be awesome. OR, running one as a preamp to the second one. OR, running one with EL34's and the other with 6L6's and using an A/B splitter to go between two sounds or something. Well, that's the way I justify this boneheaded move to myself anyway.

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No {censored}ing way. After this JP is delivered, I'm set. And if I'm not and end up selling the stuff, I'll proba bly be selling all of it and just calling it quits. The axe I have now is an ESP custom shop pre-lawsuit les paul style that has an EMG 85 in the bridge and I added an SPC control which is sort of an onboard boost in that it increases output by 6 db and is mids-focused, so it's perfect for solos.

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I've got a new, factory fresh/built EBMM JP6 coming my way from the factory in about 4 weeks. Ordered from Basscentral. AND, I've got a brand new Mark IV short head coming in about 2 weeks. My dear Lord I've just spent a ton of money and yet I want a 2x12 cab (either Mesa or Orange I think) even though I already have a great 4x12 cab (handmade Diamond cab). What the {censored} is wrong with me??

Here's the thing - I already have a Mark IV in rackmount version. Why o' why did I just buy another???!!!

Anyone wanna take bets on how soon I'll be selling some of this stuff here?? God help me... I really just need to practice more and get proficient on the instrument for the first time in my life ;-)



I bet your Mark IV that you will attempt to sell it, and by doing so(attempting to sell or get rid of it), you must give it to me(for free!!!), you want to make the bet?

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Yup, I look forward to it. I had an Axis for a while last year and loved the neck. The only reason I sold it was because of the thin-ness of the neck/fretboard-width. I have rather long fingers and it felt constricting. From what I read, the radius on the JP's along with width is right up my alley. Of course, I'm likely going to have to replace the D-Sonic bridge pickup with a Tonezone or something (which sucks to have to do), but...

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HA! Well, I suppose I shouldn't speak too soon ehh? However, nothing will be given away :-) Sold? maybe... given away? not likely.

enjoy it for a long time and if it gets battered and beaten, and you plan to sell it for cheap, or if it isnt beaten to {censored} but still cheap, ask me, maybe i will have some money by then. then i could buy it from you, haha.:thu:

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Will do dude, Thanks. Guess if I'm really coming clean here (ain't it great how the Internet allows anonymous catharsis?). I called Mesa this past Tuesday and ordered a head shell for my rack mount MIV. So, along with the new one I have a shell coming to make the one I already own the same. God help me....

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Let me start by saying, I am just as stupid, if that's what we are :D

I am running a stereo Mark IV set-up, with a TC Electronics G System. I have a pair of Marshall Classic 4X12's w/25 watt celestions, a custom EarCandy Buzzbomb 2X12, and I playing a JP6 (2006 Special Edition). From my perspective, you are just getting started, LOL!!!! :thu: :thu:

Here's a pic of my rig...


Plus, I just ordered a pair of EarCandy 1X12's so I can run this rig stereo on stage. My GAS is currently, not so bad, however, I can't help but drool over those new Music Man Family Reserve guitars Petrucci has been using. Nice look and I have always preferred a more strat like body style.

Truth be told, if I'm not working on my guitar rig, I am buying PA gear. If not PA gear, it's studio recording gear. I don't think I will run out of GAS anytime soon. So, good luck with your new purchases. I am sure you will enjoy them :love:

Let me say again, the stereo Mark IV set-up is quite satisfying. It sounds frickin' sweet!! As someone mentioned earlier, it is a great excuse to go practice. So, that's where I'll be heading now, later ;)

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