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Kustom Amps


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Thanks for the offer, but I can't right now, plus, I thought everyone was saying they are bad.

What about these?

Better than an MG?

or this

How many watts does one need for band practices and small gigs?




get a valveking or something. what sort of tone are you looking for??? That's really the deciding factor in what amplifier you should get.

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I actually don't mind them at all. (I don't play metal). The 36 coupe is very smooth sounding and can get to the heavy rock area nicely. Some very useful features. The solid state quads are decent for what they are. I wouldn't give up my trademark 60 for one, but they are useable. I've seen the video's of the hybrids and they also sound workable. I've heard ALOT of stuff that is worse.

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Tube amps are the definition/reference for most all distortions. The greatest moments of rock and roll distortion is tube. EVH, Clapton, Page, Hendrix, Metalica, AC/DC, etc etc. is from tube amps. Tube amps can get great clean and great dirty tones(not always in the same amp).

Perhaps you were thinking that you can't get good tube distortion at low volumes? That is a common issue, and one that I also face.

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For some reason I was under the impression that tube amps dont have good distortion. Which ones do?



Ha, you fine young fool. You have it backwards! Tube amps have pretty much the only great distortion with a few exceptions. there are some great SS amps, but Tubes are used by the majority of professionals.

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Are they any good? People keep bashing Marshall MGs, and the 100 watt combo is looking pretty good to me. Of course, I can't buy anything in the near future.


Yeah, Vintage 70s Kustoms with the RCA Gemanium transistors sounded great. You wouldn't even know it was a tube amp until you pushed it wide open, then you can hear it's not as smooth as a tube amp. Early break up does sound very tube like. They are pretty cheap to buy too. :idea:

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Don't know for all the Kustom amps, but I tried recently a couple of those and I really like what I heard... and for the price, they were really steals...


The first one was a tiny hybrid thing, Tube 12 I believe it was called... really cheap and it sounded great. The tube preamp was doing its job very well and the Celestion HP as well.... I'm a clean sound/crunch type of guy so I can't speak for really distorted sounds but in the section I'm interested in, it did sound definitely in the top bracket of the 15W transistors/hybrid amp category.


The other one was a Coupe 36... That as well sounded great for the price and the category... All tube thing with a nice "vintage-ish" design... Nicely dynamic and quite well rounded sounds, and the lead canal had that nice bite I love for the hard blues-rock songs... Not too expensive and really great value for the money IMO.

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