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Any stand-out metalcore bands?

Say Ocean

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Still missing the boat... It has nothing really to do with popularity. The Deftones are one of my very favorite bands, and they are arguably in the same genre as Linkin Park, they just don't rehash the same old garbage.

Wonderful over simplification... so are the bands we listed playing "out of key"?? How come they are able to create something new and different? Typical metalcore is like a typical sitcom, you see 2 minutes of it and you already know how it ends. The names change, but the plot is borrowed, and always the same. Just like all these metalcore bands jocking the same formula.


i like the cut of your jib :thu:

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i don't know about the bands that you listed, because i've never heard of 90% of them, and the rest i've either never heard, or heard and hated...converge, for instance, DEP for another. that {censored} isnt' musical to me, it's just noise. to each his own, i guess.

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i don't know about the bands that you listed, because i've never heard of 90% of them, and the rest i've either never heard, or heard and hated...converge, for instance, DEP for another. that {censored} isnt' musical to me, it's just noise. to each his own, i guess.



My Grandma says the same thing... If you get shocked by all the screaming and dissonance it makes it hard to latch on to what is happening. But when 4 or 5 guys playing separate instruments are able to come together and play the same thing, it's not noise, no matter how disjointed. It's controlled chaos, as lame as the phrase may be, and an art to say the very least.


edit: Check out Achilles - The Dark Horse. You will see a complete disregard for the popular idea of metalcore, yet it still fits fully into the classification. Plus, they aren't so far out there like DEP and the like.

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They do shift the same songs into different keys, there are 10 to 12 songs per album afterall...



the generic metalcore bands tend to just be in 'open lowest note tuned to' key and whatever the note is at the 8th fret on the lowest string. sometimes they riff with a pedal note on the 5th fret, lowest string, then 8, then 7, then 10, then 3, or some variation thereof


a breakdown invariably follows


good metalcore uses all the strings and actually writes some dynamic, interesting structures. i know you know that, i was just referencing you for a starting point

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the generic metalcore bands tend to just be in 'open lowest note tuned to' key and whatever the note is at the 8th fret on the lowest string. sometimes they riff with a pedal note on the 5th fret, lowest string, then 8, then 7, then 10, then 3, or some variation thereof

a breakdown invariably follows

good metalcore uses all the strings and actually writes some dynamic, interesting structures. i know you know that, i was just referencing you for a starting point



Definitely, it's just a lot of times they'll take the same progression, transpose it, and call it a new song. I was just revisiting my "rehash" statement.

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Learn your genres n:o:ob and this won't have to happen.

Are you gonna call
noise too?

Get some taste.


yup...after 20 seconds, it was all noise. i have taste, just not the same as yours...thank god.

and as far as i'm concerned ALL music/noise falls into one of two categories/genres...stuff i like to listen to, and stuff i don't like to listen to. everything else is just a label that weak minded people have to apply so they can decide if they like something based on criteria established by others.

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only if you admit to not understanding the definition of music.



I define music as the intelligent arrangement of notes in time. A creative and composed piece of art.


Do you call anything that initially sounds bad noise? The linkin parks and blink 182's are closer to noise in my book, yet because it takes thought process to produce (be it minimal) I have to call it music...


You wouldn't say an abstract painting wasn't art would you? Or do you require easily recognizable and digestible pictures as well?

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The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre=/=converge. it is not continuous, unified, harmonious, or melodic. i'm not really even sure it's in time.

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I define music as the intelligent arrangement of notes in time. A creative and composed piece of art.

Do you call anything that initially sounds bad noise? The linkin parks and blink 182's are closer to noise in my book, yet because it takes thought process to produce (be it minimal) I have to call it music...

You wouldn't say an abstract painting wasn't art would you? Or do you require easily recognizable and digestible pictures as well?




i don't really relate to visual arts like paintings and drawings and such. however, i would be much more inclined to call something by picasso or dahli (sp?) art than i would some of this modern {censored} that is just a line on a canvas, or a paint splatter. to me, what happens is that the things aren't created to be ART per se, only abstractions of it.


but, art and music are very subjective. i like to listen to music that i enjoy. some people like to listen to things simply because they are considered "cutting edge" regardless of whether it's enjoyable. i'm not one of those people.

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