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So I just joined the Splawn Family(Nitro)!


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^Well, he really only builds particular amp models (nitro, QR, PM, etc...) and I don't think he tweaks those designs. He will however talk with you to figure out which amp and or cab as well as power section (EL34, KT77, KT88, etc) would work best to get the sound you want.

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^Well, he really only builds particular amp models (nitro, QR, PM, etc...) and I don't think he tweaks those designs. He will however talk with you to figure out which amp and or cab as well as power section (EL34, KT77, KT88, etc) would work best to get the sound you want.



Thanks!!! You been very cool!!!


I love the saturation and mean tone of the nitro but I prefer the way the QR seemed to sit on top of the mix with its upper mid tones... The nitro seemed better for rythm with the low mid thing.


Edit: I guess some el34's and a V30 cab would help the nitro out with what Im lookin for.

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^Yea man, I know what you mean. I recently sold my QR to fund my new Nitro. I absolutely love the QR but I could not resist going for the Nitro (especially the one I'm getting...I'll explain once it comes in ;)).

But in my experiences the preamp controls on Splawns are very effective and I'm thinking I can just dial in a bit more mids to help bring the Nitro out into the mix better. I also ordered mine with EL34s, as opposed to the KT77s you see in the videos. In my experience the KT77s do bring out the lows/low mids more. EL34s have a bit more high mid emphasis and a grind and sag that I love :thu:

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^Yea man, I know what you mean. I recently sold my QR to fund my new Nitro. I absolutely love the QR but I could not resist going for the Nitro (especially the one I'm getting...I'll explain once it comes in

But in my experiences the preamp controls on Splawns are very effective and I'm thinking I can just dial in a bit more mids to help bring the Nitro out into the mix better. I also ordered mine with EL34s, as opposed to the KT77s you see in the videos. In my experience the KT77s do bring out the lows/low mids more. EL34s have a bit more high mid emphasis and a grind and sag that I love

Sweet!!! I cant wait to hear it!!! Were the nitros settings the same in all the clips?? Can you remember the settings?

Seems we have similar taste in tone. :thu:

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I wasn't at the convention and I'm sure the settings were changed a bit from player to player, but I know the only Nitro there had KT77s in them, gain was around noon, master volume around 9:00. That's about as much as I know.



Ha I had u mixed up with sherder75. sorry!!!


Good stuff!!! You gonna make some clips of your nitro when u get her in? Whats tha eta?

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It's all good. Nah, I'm not Shreder75. My forum name is a bit of a misnomer. I'm hardly a shred demon like Matt. I should really just change my name to "Riffhead34" haha.

I've sold a lot of my gear to fund some recent purchases, including my recording setup, but I plan on taking lots of pictures and maybe some video clips with my video camera.

ETA ya ask? Well that's kind of what makes my Nitro special. You'll see soon enough. I'll give you a hint though...Scott should be completing the first production Nitro by the end of this week, which will then be making it's way down south :cool:

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You did not join any family because you bought an amp. This kind of thing pisses me off. Because you buy something, does not mean you are part of a "community", "family", "brotherhood", etc. You bought a good amp, and that's all there is to it. Having bought an amp does not give you status among others.

In all seriousness, good buy.

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You did not join any family because you bought an amp. This kind of thing pisses me off. Because you buy something, does not mean you are part of a "community", "family", "brotherhood", etc. You bought a good amp, and that's all there is to it. Having bought an amp does not give you status among others.

In all seriousness, good buy.



If this kind of thing pisses you off, you need to get out from behind the computer and into the real world and actually find something to be legitimately pissed off at, instead of castigating someone who is nicely saying I bought an amp that people are intimate with on these forums.


Now I remember why I stopped posting on these forums, they really breed their own type of assholes here huh?


Oh, and thanks, but please, with sugar on top, try not to post in my threads again.

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dethshaft, what kind of tubes are you getting? im guessing if you went through derek he might've highly suggested kt88s?

I am going with the JJKT88's. Derek told me they seem to be of better build quality than the Sovtek KT88, and they probably have that low end I would be looking for when playing metal. Even though he suggested them, I had my mind made up beforehand :)

I am also getting it in the 800 style:rawk:, black with red piping and red lettering :evil:

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You did not join any family because you bought an amp. This kind of thing pisses me off. Because you buy something, does not mean you are part of a "community", "family", "brotherhood", etc. You bought a good amp, and that's all there is to it. Having bought an amp does not give you status among others.

In all seriousness, good buy.

why would something like that piss you off?

does it anger you that musicians have something in common with one another :confused:

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You did not join any family because you bought an amp. This kind of thing pisses me off. Because you buy something, does not mean you are part of a "community", "family", "brotherhood", etc. You bought a good amp, and that's all there is to it. Having bought an amp does not give you status among others.

In all seriousness, good buy.






sand + vagina = Disemboweler

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I wish I could say the same. I'm too influenced by what I read here.

I'm gonna snag a new amp soon. I love the Rectifier, but I'm ready for something else.



Me too, I have a Tremoverb but I'm looking for something different and more versatile. I only played thru a QR once for a quick minute but I love the sound!! I'm gonna wind up putting in an order for a Nitro. Who's takin orders close to Ohio?

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