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Anyone else lose a lot of money this month?


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I have about 1/3rd of my savings in China
Over 90% is in Hong Kong though, i don't want much to do with that crazy shanghai stuff.. i just don't want to wake up one day and see a -50% and a huge negative number on my account

Please tell me you're not trading in Chinese securities on margin.:poke:

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I haven't done horribly, but this market has me really confused. I'm seriously tempted to take profits and play wait and see because I'm concerned about how much more steam this bull has left.



This is what I am doing. I am putting most of my money into CDs, Bonds and maybe a money market if I can get over 4%.


The banks have been collateralizing loans with money from receipts from other loans, once there quarterly numbers start coming in the whole market will drop like a brick IMO. Will be unravaeling for about one year and then stabalize most likely, might take 2-3 years all told.


I think we are heading for some real tough times. Hope I am wrong, but almost everything I've read says this is the case.




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Potentially losing that kind of money must surely suck, but I just wish I had that much to lose. I lost a few hundred because my motherboard decided to die, and the last available replacement of its socket type I could find bordered on totally unusable, so I had to replace basically everything, and now I am broke as hell for the foreseeable future. :cry:

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