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Power tubes glowing blue.


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So I just installed a new set of TAD 6L6GCSTR's in my Blackmore. Used my new Weber BR-4 bias rite probe, and set the m.a. @ 40, with the plate voltage around 470-475, just a little bit on the hot side. Playing the amp today I noticed the tubes were glowing blue, with the two left tubes more blue than the others. When playing the amp though it sound amazing.


What you guys think, biased to warm/hot?

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I just put in a new quad set of JJ KT77's in my Marshall DSL100 and one of the new tubes has a little bit of a dark blue glow to it. I emailed the vendor I purchased them from with pictures and their reply was:


"The glow looks more like a deep blue to me. A blue glow is fine and some tubes will do it while others won

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yeah, goddamn cathode and anodes always had me confused. you know how hard it is to calculate how much voltage a wet cell battery will make when you can't remember which friggin one is positive?


Confused me for a long time too. Probably sounds dorky but the way I remember it is that anode starts with 'a' which is at the start of the alphabet, and the anode is where the current flow (direction of positive charge, not electron flow) starts from. So current flows in alphabetical order from Anode to Cathode. ;)

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Confused me for a long time too. Probably sounds dorky but the way I remember it is that anode starts with 'a' which is at the start of the alphabet, and the anode is where the current flow (
direction of positive charge, not electron flow
) starts from. So current flows in alphabetical order from
node to


I had to read this a couple of times, because I missed the part about positive voltage flow, and I was going to be like :cop: "Electrons boil off of the cathode, dood."



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actually, i was having some issues figuring out how in the {censored} the PI in my SLO clones works. then, i was reminded of electron flow, and it made WAY more sense. conventional flow FTL!

From a circuit analysis standpoint it shouldn't make a difference, pick one convention and stay consistent (make sure you pick positive charge flow because that's the accepted standard these days ;)). Unless I'm totally missing what you're talking about :confused:

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Not sure if the haha means there's a joke there I'm missing, but in case you're serious (or anyone else is wondering):

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly



nope, the laughing was because i kind of felt like an idiot asking. but i honestly didnt know. i see it ever now and then and it confused the carp out of me. thanks for the clarification.

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