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Oranges, tell me more


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I used a ad30 and a rockverb in the studio last year, and found them to be very versitile amps.
I had to back the gain down to get my tones as they did have alot of gain.
Im thinking the people who claim they cant do metal were using them at bedroom volumes, as turned up, they scream da chuggas...........

I would own one for sure, but Ive pretty much settled for my set up at this point for my two bands Im in...
That changes, then the gear need changes, then I would definetly take another look at getting one.

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i maintain that no orange amp that i've played will do metal. i haven't played every model, so maybe there's one that will do high gain.



If your idea of metal has to be high gain...however if Black Sabbath, Pentagram and Sleep are your ideas of what metal should sound like then vintage Oranges are fine.

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Orange Rockerverb 100 - supremely underated....Metal with ease and I'm not talking Sabbath here.....Funeral Doom / death Doom riffage no probs whatsoever- downtuned and heavy handed playing pays people!!! Anyone who advocates otherwise either hasn't enjoyed crankage or is simply ignorant. Further, Orange is known to have some of the most linear master volumes on the market - as with most tube heads they sound better cranked, though sound way above average at lower volumes as well.....

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One thing I forgot to mention was that Orange amps have their own voice. I love the fact that they don't sound like a Marshall or a Mesa or a Soldano or XXXX. Also the Rockerverb 100 is a killer amp. In a lot of clubs I play the managers/owners usually comment that they see these Oranges with a lot of doom/stoner metal bands. So I guess they are very popular in that crowd.

I also think the Rockerverb's reverb sounds AWESOME....


One great amp that goes for a reasonable price is the Rocker 30. I know many will say that it's only 30 watts but I have to use a trainwreck power soak indoors with the amp. It's LOUD. This amp sounds okay a lower volumes but when you hit 5 (which I can only do outdoors or inside with a soak.....on the master volume it has a very thick, creamy, ripping distortion. I find that about 6 or 7 on preamp is all that I need to get ripping gain. On my Rockerverb I never dime out the gain.... it has plenty on hand......


I personally still like other amps for a modern sound, but I've played many shows with only an Orange and didn't even blink! It would be good for you to hear the amps since even the Rockerverb 50 and the Rockerverb 100 have different power tube sections. If you go to the Orange Amps forum they have sound clips.


Ade designed the Rockerverb 50 with 4 6V6's which are used in a lot of Fender amps (trust me though this isn't a Fender sounding amp) and the 100 with 4 EL 34's. The rocker 30 has 2 EL34's but one less gain stage than the Rockerverbs, no damping switch, no effects loop, no EQ on the clean channel (though you don't need it.... the clean on that amp sounds just killer as is) & no reverb.


The AD series and the Rocker series really need to be turned up to sound best (well all tube amps sound better with the power section cranking). It's easier to get a good sound at lower volumes with the Rockerverb amps because of the extra gain stage. I never use a soak with my Rockerverb since it doesn't really make the amp sound better, but with the Rocker 30 it makes a big difference, when those EL34's start glowing..... wow that's a sound you have to experience.........

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they are loud, expensive, fuzzy yet unforgiving, trendy, etc.

what music do you play?



I agree that the AD series has a tone to die for, and a great "fender-alternative" (...imho at least ;)...), but TRENDY ?



Are they that popular :confused: :confused: :confused:


The only bands that * I * know off that use them right now is Boris, Wolfmother, and the Datsuns ( . . . and various other stoner rock groups that do not care for the "tendy" image :evil: !!!)


So who else is using these super underrated amplifiers from sunny 'ol England ?






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Oranges are a great source of vitamin C! They are also good at warding off Scurvy! Not to mention their delicious taste and pretty color, they also come in many different varieties such as Navel and Valencia!


If you can't afford one, I would be happy to treat you to a sack full!



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I guess they're trendy now because they're now being used by a lot more indie rock bands now instead of just the stoner/doom scene.


I'm not the biggest fan of the newer, higher gain/channel switching Oranges but to completely ignore their lineage and niche is just stupid to me. Them not having an OR120 reissue is like Marshall not having a Plexi or 800 or Fender now reissuing Twins and deluxe reverbs.

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the ad's sound real good. the rockerverbs ive heard sounded like {censored}. like, total {censored}. im lookin into an ad but not too intensely



For what it's worth, this album's entire guitar sound was recorded with Orange Rockerverb 50s (yes i know they show Marshalls in the video)




May not be your thing but your post reminded me of that fact.

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This last weekend I got a chance to play at a medium sized room and took out an Engl Powerball and my Rockerverb 50. I was comparing the two through an Orange 4x12. Just a couple of effects all with true bypass, all G'L cables. With a variety of guitars.

Cool video BTW.

My RV50 doesn't sound like that unless I put a pedal in front of it and max out the volume. It's tone is similar.... one thing I will say is that I was getting some serious crunch out of the amp. It's been awhile since I have had a chance to really turn the amp up in a proper room. After the gig I actually sold the Engl!..... The Engl definitely had more low end balls and chunk but also an unusable amount of distortion for me. That's a metal heads delight for sure..... however, I felt that my RV50 held its own. i also thought it had the right amount of balls and chunk not getting lost in the bass guitar & kick. I also thought it had much better tone & clarity of tone... less compressed - better string attack. (Though the Budda SD80 is most expressive amp I've ever owned with excellent string attack).

I had no trouble with Godsmack (which is the heaviest we play). I had to turn the gain down for most of the other material. The amp really comes into it's own when you can start turning master up and the preamp gain down. When I got both of them at noon I was in tonal heaven using a simple old Les Paul!

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IMO, the lower wattage Oranges don't like doing high gain. The AD30 and the Rocker 30 can do rock, but not high gain. The RVs and the AD140 can both do high gain and metal well, but I'm not going to say I like the RVs. With stock tubes and biasing or whatever, the RVs are muddy, flubby and it has no note definition. The AD140HTC is really punchy, dynamic and respond really well to picking. Also, unlike the RV, ADs are much more friendly to boosts and ODs.

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I might chime in on the cabiets, but with the exception of Marshall cabs, I have owned many a different tpe of cab.

I am regardless of trend or fad, very pleased with the orange 4-12 that I own now. I can talk more about it, but if you do a search on this forum, you will find the likes and dislikes of the amplifer/cabinets very well documented here.

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The thing is a back breaking, ball busting, son of *&^*%. But it sounds GOOD! I also have the 2x12 it's not much better but at least I can get it into the van without a hernia! Actually the best investment I got was one of those collapsible dolly's. No problem at all moving the cabinet with it!


On the topic of cabinets.... most amps I've used sound really good through the Orange. All except my Hiwatt. It just doesn't sound good through V30's. I have a cabinet with Celestions 100's and it really comes alive.

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first half saying RV is sick, but AD sux, other half the exact opposite, half saying they're trendy bastard amps, others saying they've been trendy for a while, or aren't trendy etc.etc.etc.etc.

Oh! Two different opinions!
I thought you meant someone said one thing then said another. :rolleyes:

:idea: Got it!

I have to say I wasn't impressed with the RV, but own a AD30....and nothing is unique anymore. Everything is so mass produced.......you'd have to buy expensive custom boutique stuff to stand out.

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