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In case youve been in a coma or something...

Cap'n Ahole

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That was fvckin' awesome. They sound better than ever.


True story: for a short time back in the '80s, I used to share a rehearsal space with those guys. They were very cool, don't have anything bad to say about 'em.


Another weird connection: I used to run the software development group at an educational software company, and the president of the company was one of Chuck Billy's high school teachers. She said he was quite the hellion in school.


But back on-topic, that clip makes me want to run out and buy the DVD. Like, right now.

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Will someone tell thoze n00bz Dual Rectums are big saggy pieces of {censored} not suited for teh thrash. :mad:



















































































JK :p


I found the use for my typical X-Mas cash from Grandma. :idea::thu::wave:

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