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I need a good birch-ply 4x12 cab


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Speakers don't matter. I will replace them. What is the best birch-ply cab I can buy for the money. Is it possible to find one for around $250 or am I smoking crack? I just blew my wad on a Soldano can't afford a $1000 cab. Any suggestions?


Oh, and before you flog me for not using search, I did and I couldn't find anything! :mad:

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If you'r looking for a Marshall style cab you could go Avatar or Mojotone. Port City Music Supply has pretty good prices on Mojotone cabs on ebay. What Soldano did you get?

Speakers don't matter. I will replace them. What is the best birch-ply cab I can buy for the money. Is it possible to find one for around $250 or am I smoking crack? I just blew my wad on a Soldano can't afford a $1000 cab. Any suggestions?

Oh, and before you flog me for not using search, I did and I couldn't find anything!

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