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Just bought a Vox AC30 half stack...


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Putting the word "fact" in the same sentence as the word "better" is contradictory, as it's subjective. I could sit here and list a dozen reasons why I prefer the Wharfedales, and you could argue that the Blues are better until you're *ahem* blue in the face, and we'd still be no closer to a definitive "fact".

Hell, tone itself is subjective. I mean, how many people have you seen playing Crate SS combos who thought they sounded awesome?

I went to Willcutt, I played both, and I walked out with a CC1. I just prefer that sound, I guess.



I was just joking. However, blues are known for being the quintessential "jangle" speaker. I seriously doubt the wharfedales dethrone them from that position.

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