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Ok...Which one of you amp forum posers is this?


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i don't understand half of these videos. it's always some guy trying to justify why he made the video by coming up with something "informative". Then they stand in front of the camera with their mouth half open and play a few riffs and give their expert opinion on how a volume knob works.


newsflash: not gonna get laid by impressing chicks with your youtube video.

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I am glad it is on there. If only good players were allowed to post on Youtube it would suck. That guy is the beauty of YouTube for me....Vast amounts of information from all points of view.

Not to be condescending to the guy, but now I know EXACTLY how the Orange 30 would sound if a crappy player hooked up a Les Paul to it and played. That is some good information. Now if I compare that clip to a good player playing the same amp on YouTube, I will have a broad amount of information about the sound of the amp.

Not joking here....I like having both to compare.

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I am glad it is on there. If only good players were allowed to post on Youtube it would suck. That guy is the beauty of YouTube for me....Vast amounts of information from all points of view.

Not to be condescending to the guy, but now I know EXACTLY how the Orange 30 would sound if a crappy player hooked up a Les Paul to it and played. That is some good information. Now if I compare that clip to a good player playing the same amp on YouTube, I will have a broad amount of information about the sound of the amp.

Not joking here....I like having both to compare.

That's right. We're so YouTubed, MySpaced, Googled why bother to think anymore?
Once upon a time, we couldn't read what the online community thinks. We had to actually have our own opinion based on our own opinion.

Good information? You're joking, right?:lol:

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That's right. We're so YouTubed, MySpaced, Googled why bother to think anymore?

Once upon a time, we couldn't read what the online community thinks. We had to actually have our own opinion based on our own opinion.

Good information? You're joking, right?

Yeah. It is good information. I live on a frickin island dude. Do you really think that I can just go downtown to the music store and say....Special order me an Orange 30...or any one of a 1000 pieces of gear that you can see on YouTube, just so I can hook it up and form my opinion.

Yes it is good information. Before I had YouTube, I had to listen to people on forums, who probably are just about as good as the guy on YouTube, talk about how "completely AWESOME" their tone was on a piece of gear. I bet that guy would say that his tone is just like Jimi....because he is a clueless {censored}.

So now I can hear it with my own ears, and make my OWN OPINION.

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I mean really dude, what better information could you have other than playin it yourself....I am asking you ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Enlighten me....how would you make your opinion without actually playing something yourself.....a testimonial from your favorite paid player? How about the opinion of the guys on the HC Forums...they give the Epiphone Valve Jr. 7-9 out of ten.....Is it really that good?

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I mean really dude, what better information could you have other than playin it yourself....I am asking you ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Enlighten me....how would you make your opinion without actually playing something yourself.....a testimonial from your favorite paid player? How about the opinion of the guys on the HC Forums...they give the Epiphone Valve Jr. 7-9 out of ten.....Is it really that good?



Poopy butt.

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I am sorry to hog the thread, but I think Youtube is a significant advancement for people who want to make music. I have one Guitar Center 75 miles away. Here is what they stock ampwise..I am not kiddin, this is it...5models of Fender, 6 models of Marshall, every VOX ever imagined, Every Crate, except the Palomino line, and a wall of Peavey.

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Yeah. It is good information. I live on a frickin island dude. Do you really think that I can just go downtown to the music store and say....Special order me an Orange 30...or any one of a 1000 pieces of gear that you can see on YouTube, just so I can hook it up and form my opinion.

Yes it is good information. Before I had YouTube, I had to listen to people on forums, who probably are just about as good as the guy on YouTube, talk about how "completely AWESOME" their tone was on a piece of gear. I bet that guy would say that his tone is just like Jimi....because he is a clueless {censored}.

Oh, you live on an island? What would happen if, say, there was no Internet? Would you quit playing guitar? Would you find a way to go and order that gear? (Just giving you a hard time, it is HCAF after all!)
I'm just saying society's so dumbed-down now that YouTube and {censored} like that is the gospel for most folks.
Pretty sad.

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Yeah. It is

Oh, you live on an island? What would happen if, say, there was no Internet? Would you quit playing guitar? Would you find a way to go and order that gear? (Just giving you a hard time, it is HCAF after all!)

I'm just saying society's so dumbed-down now that YouTube and {censored} like that is the gospel for most folks.

Pretty sad.


No I would still play. And I would wonder what the things I saw in magazines sounded like, maybe listen to the CD samples in the magazines. Now I can at the click of a mouse hear just about anything I want to hear.

Thats beautiful!

I still dont buy anything new...I have been playing the same SG and the same Fender Deluxe Reverb for 10 years now....I found my tone.

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I am glad it is on there. If only good players were allowed to post on Youtube it would suck. That guy is the beauty of YouTube for me....Vast amounts of information from all points of view.

Not to be condescending to the guy, but now I know EXACTLY how the Orange 30 would sound if a crappy player hooked up a Les Paul to it and played. That is some good information. Now if I compare that clip to a good player playing the same amp on YouTube, I will have a broad amount of information about the sound of the amp.

Not joking here....I like having both to compare.


Yeah, what vast amounts of information! So vast that it couldn't fit, and all the information from about 3 kHz and up has been cut off altogether. LIEK VASTICLE EXACTLY HOW EET SOUNZEZ ZOMG!!!1!1!1!!! :freak:

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