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What's with all these transistor amps ?


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I notice a lot of transistor-preamp amps coming out lately. From what I understand, the Fender Super Champ XD, Mackie Hotwire, and Peavey Vypyr all use analog preamps, with tube output sections. I guess it shouldn't surprise me given how common it is to still stick a transistor distortion pedal in front of a $1k tube amp.


But I think there is a big difference between tube clipping (even if it is digitally modeled) and transistor clipping. I realize that there are some compromises you may make with a modeler: compression, aliasing, latency, feel, etc. But that aside, I still prefer the modeled tube clipping to harsh sound of diodes. For high gain its not so bad, but for low gain blues / rock, transistors are just too harsh, not glassy enough.


Perhaps this is more about marketing than sound ?

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Well I can't really speak for the others. But the Mackie Hotwire is different.


It uses an all-tube preamp with a transistor Mosfet power amp. But the tube preamp has a ton if relays to change the tube pre-amp configuration. But the signal is all tube.


The effects are digital, but that is all. Then it has a SS power-amp to keep the weight down and probably to not color whatever the tube-preamp does.


On paper it sounds awesome. Tube generated tone with quick response, no computer modeling, no SS, but all the versatility. But we will have to wait and see if it delivers. At $1500 projected street price, it is going to have to.

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