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Please critique this song...


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What I liked about it was the soulful feel and the lo-fi acoustic recording. It had a nice Stone-y melody without being too derivative, and I like the slide acoustic part. It kind of transported me to some country shack.


What I didn't like was the "was it you" question asked over and over, it just kind of bugged me. And it seemed waaay to long for such a simple tune.

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The lo-fi recording was not intentional, but it does lead a certain authenticity to the song. As for the "Is it you" thing, I'll have to go back and look at that . . . do you feel that if the song was shorter, that vocal line would not be quite as annoying?


Thanks, btw.

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I am having trouble making out the lyrics...mainly because of my speakers I think...can you post them?...Overall I think it is awesome. I am totally digging the bouncy guitar beat. I also agree that the lo-fi-ness adds to the song. If you ever got it recorded professionally I would stick with that lo-fi feel but just clean it up a bit. Also I agree that it is a bit long for such a simple tune. You could shorten it up bit by cutting some choruses in half or something. I don't know, I'd have to listen to it again. Anyway, seriously man, I like it a lot. I'd go see you live. Have anymore stuff?

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Originally posted by baron85

The lo-fi recording was not intentional, but it does lead a certain authenticity to the song. As for the "Is it you" thing, I'll have to go back and look at that . . . do you feel that if the song was shorter, that vocal line would not be quite as annoying?

Thanks, btw.



I suspect a lot of the reason that the 'Is it you' line stands out is that you have a whistling sound (sibiliance) with the 'S'.. Might be worth recording it again but getting your vocal closer to the mic, or find someone that has a couple of figure of 8 mic's so they can record both guitar and vox at the same time effectively..


Regards. Rimmer

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