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my disability finalized

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I have been fumbling my way through my acquipment for a while to find the best possible means of home production.the acquppment ,? must confess,consists of a single effects processor(boss vf),and computer.some of my latest uploaded tracks were experimentations with the processor,not serious attemts(there are three more tracs since my last thread).


the following is the result.it is probably the best ? can do with my acquipment and disabilities as an instrument player.the melody is simple and all attention was paid to arrangement and recording.the drums were separately recorded this time, after chicken monkeys persistent complaint about it (he is not the only person,by the way,my drums are encountered by universal disaproval).:)


it is "

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Hey Yanus,

I'm not sure what disability you are refering to, but you're not disabled in writing music.

As usual, you do an unjust service to yourself by:


a) placing your style of music in a category where it will not be appreciated to its fullest.


b) not submitting your music to the industry (like Taxi) to be used in the countless movies and TV dramas for which it was meant:thu:

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janusmanus, i can't comment on your music, as that's not really my cut of tea, but IMO there's nothing wrong with your skills on both as an instrumentalist and as an engineer, in fact i think that's top notch. how many instruments do you play and how many of them are programmed? there are some instruments i cannot identify, but they sound good to me.


but i guess if you feel that way, then you are probably used to seeing someone even more skilled... and that's a good thing. i myself try not to feel content with where i'm at.


now that you mentioned, the sound quality does seem not-so organic (especially for such music with a lot of real instruments) but that is something you can only achieve with decent gear and/or a decent mastering treatment; meanwhile we all gotta do with what we have, and for that alone you are impressive.


and toxic is right - you should choose different categories.

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Alright Yanus! I loved that one. All those rhythms were dancing in my head(phones). That's the kind of stuff I like from you. I loved the way you doubled the melody with that slurring, slighty out of tune fiddle under the acoustic guitar sounding thing, And then that shaker and weird vocal noises come in about 3/4 of the way through. Very trippy.


Are you the only person on the track or were there other musicians? Could you please list the instruments that were played on that tune?

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thanks everybody.


? have various problems as an instrument player one of them being,? cant sing while ? play the guitar for nstance,even when playing the simplest chords on earth......the others are rather eathetic than the mechanics of playing...


? played evrything that was playable in all my recordings.some drum channels,kicks especially are midi.the rest is


electric guitar(six or seven tracks)cort zenox 44(various effects)

bass guitar (bass collection fretless)


yamaha DD55 stereo sampled digital drum.

vocal (towards the end)


there is also a very rugged squire like electric guitar(hss) used in this one.


I have not much time now.if there is anything skipped, ? will reply later.

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wow, i liked that. it was strange, there was so much going on. but it wasnt overwhelming, it was complimenting each other.


good work! :thu:


as for drums, i thought the synth drum fit in well with it. although you could buy a cheap drumset and learn how to play so you could use them for recording. i dunno, but i like synth drums. :)

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