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OT: My new trainer just whooped my weak ass.


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What was the workout like?




Full body, kind of gauging where I am right now. X reps, I guess, sets of ten or fifteen normally then a set of eight right afterwards only halfway up.


Then sprints and an interval workout near the end. We covered everything. It was brutal, but I feel great now.


The dude knew exactly how far to push me. Good trainer. He's an ex bodybuilder and marine. It's badass how cheap it is through my school.


I've been working out for the last six months or so. Went from 260 to 200 now up to 220 with muscle. I needed a trainer to really push me to the very edge of where I want to be, so I got all set up this week with this dude.

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i remember when i was working out with a trainer, i got into decent shape pretty fast, and every workout i did with him never failed to kick my ass...even when i was doing (what i thought was) pretty heavy workouts on my own


too bad i slacked off a lot when i stopped working with a trainer, that {censored}'s expensive tho


$20/session is cheap as {censored} man! i got my first 4 on a special deal for $100, then the next 6 were $90 each! it was well worth it tho, i learned A LOT about how to keep in shape & stay healthy, and how much abuse my body can take without risking injuries

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i remember when i was working out with a trainer, i got into decent shape pretty fast, and every workout i did with him never failed to kick my ass...even when i was doing (what i thought was) pretty heavy workouts on my own

too bad i slacked off a lot when i stopped working with a trainer, that {censored}'s expensive tho

$20/session is cheap as {censored} man! i got my first 4 on a special deal for $100, then the next 6 were $90 each! it was well worth it tho, i learned A LOT about how to keep in shape & stay healthy, and how much abuse my body can take without risking injuries



I know! It's so cheap! Well, I pay enough god damned money to that {censored}ing school anyway. That's why it's so cheap. I paid for ten sessions up front because the price was so good and I had the cash on me. There was a time when I was paying $60/80 per session at a private gym, on top of gym fees.


Dude who is training me is HUGE, too.


He was all "you wanna get like, cyclist thin, or you wanna get huge?"

Me: "Huge"

Him: "We're gonna have some fun, then"



People, you need to understand that when a trainer says that you are going to have fun, he's not talking about you. He's talking about how much fun it is going to be to torture your ass.


Feels great though god damn!

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You seem to have a good workout for loosing weight.. I see too many people wasting their times doing reps on machines.. doing isolates.

Full body workouts.. doing compound moves.. that's the way to go !



Machines are really good if you're a little tired or if you have an injury though. They have their place. There's nothing like good compound moves with freeweights or cables, though, combined with hard cardio ever ten minutes or so. That is just sick.

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Machines are really good if you're a little tired or if you have an injury though. They have their place. There's nothing like good compound moves with freeweights or cables, though, combined with hard cardio ever ten minutes or so. That is just sick.



Indeed.. And if you are taking 60 seconds breaks between sets.. make in 60 seconds.. not 180 secs like most do !!!


I'm done in 45 minutes usually..

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My friend is a personal trianer - a good one too. Has a degree in sports science and is European U23 strong man champion (well he was about 2-3 years ago)


I used go to the gym with him and get free sessions, plans, diets etc...but i was more interested in partying so used kind of go through spells where id do it and then spells where i wouldnt bother.


I dont easily put on weight though so i guess im lucky that way. Im 6'1" and 185lbs. I work in a office now so although i dont put on weight and always remain reasonably in shape even though i dont watch what i eat lately im trying to get back into the habbit of excercising - just more for health, fitness reasons.

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Indeed.. And if you are taking 60 seconds breaks between sets.. make in 60 seconds.. not 180 secs like most do !!!

I'm done in 45 minutes usually..



Oh word, man. I don't waste time because I figure if I'm there and I'm paying all that money, I'm going to be getting my money's work. Even at 20/hr, that's still twenty dollars, man.


Plus I'm gonna do anything my trainer says. He's huge, and could probably crush me with his bare hands if I talked back.

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He was all "you wanna get like, cyclist thin, or you wanna get huge?"

Me: "Huge"

Him: "We're gonna have some fun, then"



either one of those is pretty gross.


I've always shot for a healthy medium. Lean with muscle. Not a muscle-manic or calista flockhart

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Not that is really matters, but pressure points are more reactive on people with larger muscles. And they're easier to hit too.




Let em try. I'm a black belt in Goju-Ryu Karate and American Combat Hapkido. If I'm in a situation where I need to defend myself (which I stay out of for the most part), I doubt the attacker is going to be bothering with pressure points.

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I don't get how the {censored} people can feel good after exercising. No matter what I've ever done, even when I was exercising regularly (Never had a trainer or anything though), I still always felt like complete {censored} the rest of the day.

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Let em try. I'm a black belt in Goju-Ryu Karate and American Combat Hapkido. If I'm in a situation where I need to defend myself (which I stay out of for the most part), I doubt the attacker is going to be bothering with pressure points.


unless the attacker is me and I destroy you! :cop:

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I don't get how the {censored} people can feel good after exercising. No matter what I've ever done, even when I was exercising regularly (Never had a trainer or anything though), I still always felt like complete {censored} the rest of the day.



Try a trainer. You might be overtraining, training with bad form or something along those lines. Are you eating well enough?


I feel like hell directly after, of course, but only an hour or so later, I'm feeling like a million bucks, if a little sore.

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I don't get how the {censored} people can feel good after exercising. No matter what I've ever done, even when I was exercising regularly (Never had a trainer or anything though), I still always felt like complete {censored} the rest of the day.


A good workout releases those happy endorphines in your head, man. You dont ever get real proud of yourself for working hard for a good workout?


It's the same thing as runner's high and I get that also.


I LOVE being sore after a workout too. :love:

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A good workout releases those happy endorphines in your head, man. You dont ever get real proud of yourself for working hard for a good workout?

It's the same thing as runner's high and I get that also.

I LOVE being sore after a workout too.



Also, I've got pretty good posture normally, but after a good full body workout it's about 100 times better. Helps all day with confidence and everything

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I just ate a three egg omlette with smoke sausage and a heap load of cheese some hash browns and some toast with lots of butter.


I chased that with two glass of Dr. Pepper



Now I am about to get baked and lay around for the rest of the day.



what a work out.......

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