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Mission Accomplished Five Years Today!!!

Obama is God

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The thing you have to understand is that I'm being attacked by Republican Scum.

And since I guess you living in down under I guress you wouldn't have heard all the hype when that happened.

It was NOT portrayed as what they meant or what they say now. They like to spin. When in doubt spin.


Fair enuff. I have a few issues with American politics tho. So i guess i try to ignore most of that crap when it's reported down here. The two parties (dems and reps) seem to hate each other and be a LOT further apart (read: POLAR OPPOSITES) than down here. And it seems to be whoever has the most $ and attacks the other party the most wins.

I realise that this doesnt matter. Its just an observation.This has nothing to do with the thread either. Apologies.

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The thing you have to understand is that I'm being attacked by Republican Scum.

And since I guess you living down under you wouldn't have heard all the hype when that happened.

It was NOT portrayed as what they meant or what they say now. They like to spin. When in doubt spin.


1st of all I am not a republican, 2nd of all, you don't know me, so you should read the forum rules, as calling me scum is a personal attack and is against the rules

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hmm... well, lets see, I disagree that we should have never g one to war, we just chose the wrong country... we should have invaded Iran, who actually has the technology for a nuclear program, also, I don't think the war in Iraq is all bad, an evil son of a bitch was taken out of power, and I don't think that is such a bad thing... also, the Majority of Iraqis are actually happy with the hope of a bright future...

2. The draft is unconstitutional and you are proving my point that you are a marxist piece of {censored}:thu:



AND WHAT DOES "marxist piece of {censored}:thu:" MEAN?

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AND WHAT DOES "marxist piece of {censored}:thu:" MEAN?



that was a statement of fact based on the propaganda that you are posting, I gave nothing that would even bring an idiot to think I was a republican... I even stated that Clinton was the better of the canidates... but looks like you overlooked that fine detail...


BTW, I'm an AMERICAN who believes in the CONSTITUTION... call that what you want

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that was a statement of fact based on the propaganda that you are posting, I gave nothing that would even bring an idiot to think I was a republican... I even stated that Clinton was the better of the canidates... but looks like you overlooked that fine detail...

BTW, I'm an AMERICAN who believes in the CONSTITUTION... call that what you want



If you don't think that's a personal attack you need to repeat grade school.

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I feel that this country has the right to defend itself against radical islam, and I'd prefer it be on their soil as oppose to ours...

do you feel that Saddam Hussien had the right to use mustard gas on his own people and kurds?



And you think Sadam was a radical Islamic?



AND WHAT DID THE US DO WHEN Saddam Hussien useD mustard gas on his own people and kurds?

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OIG --What is your point here ??? This is an amps forum .Is this a troll thread ??? or are you on your own personal soapbox ??? Apparently the Republicans haven't attacked you enough to shut you up.

You have a right to your opinion but why don't you march on Washington instead of airing out here on a music forum .WTF!!!!!

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I don't know what I am more disturbed by, George W. or you. Seriously, Obama supporters are looking more like Moonies all the time...

Obama people are weirdos for sure....
It gets worse and worse the closer to election time...

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What's really sad is all you can think of is calling me a name
and you question my age?

No, i just have nothing to say to people like you, that's all :thu: Nothing I would say would get an answer, rather a way to avoid the original point...People like you are all the same, and it's not worth the time to try and hold an intelligent conversation with you, because you are incapable of doing so :wave::thu:

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Thank god you started this thread, this has been bothering me all day.




What's really sad is all you can think of is calling me a name and you question my age?


Seriously, im definitely on the left side of the political spectrum and I think you are an idiot. I mean cmon, seriously. Take a step back and take a look at how you are coming across. Please.

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No, i just have nothing to say to people like you, that's all
Nothing I would say would get an answer, rather a way to avoid the original point...People like you are all the same, and it's not worth the time to try and hold an intelligent conversation with you, because you are incapable of doing so

In other words avoid the truth and spin.

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you realize in War that there are many missions, right?

the INvasion was successful... that mission WAS accomplished... pulling out, well, we all know how hard that can be

Try to weasel your way around the truth all you like but you know that to be utter bull{censored}. Bush said major combat operations in Iraq were over, kaput, fini, done, the end. Tell that to the men and women fighting over there.

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