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Let's Be Nice to Newcomers Month


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Hey kids!


Some of you know me and maybe you know I'm the moderator of our beloved Songwriting Forum...



I've tried to keep a light hand (and regretted it when I haven't, I'll tell you) and I've tried to respect the mostly very healthy and mostly friendly and collegial forum culture that's developed here.


The forum has been "self-policing" for a long time and I appreciate that. I'm a pretty lazy guy.



Now, we all know what a problem spam (and the occasional troll) can be.


There's no room here for commercial spam whether it's cell phones and running shoes or music gear or musician's services.



But... sometimes... there are some kinda borderline things. Not that they aren't spam, mind you... but what I'm thinking of are bands and musicians trying to promote themselves.


Now, clearly, this is not the proper place for that. And my first impulse is undoubtedly no more charitable than your own.


But -- look around at the magazines -- a lot of these old line print journalists blythely tell you to "go promote yourself on the Internet" -- "join some forums and..." Well, you know. It's something folks are told to do by supposed authorities.



So... when these poor unfortunate would be self-promoters come in here there can be a real clash of cultures and values.


The chase -- in case you want to cut to it:

I'd like to
our forum regulars to
keep up
their vigilance against spammers -- it makes
job easier, thank you very much.


I'm hoping we can try to moderate our first, understandably cynical/sarcastic impulses and sort of
invite the first time visitors/would-be self-promoters to
in our little extended songwriter workshop forum thing, discussing songwriting and offering
criticism to fellow songwriters.

(I could make a (permanent) sticky about how this is the songwriting forum and not the self-promo forum and all that -- but I know I don't want to see that hanging up there all the time, keeping me from getting to the real heart of the forum -- the tennis shoe and cell phone ads... No... wait. )


Anyhow -- you guys and gals are a great bunch and if we're sometimes a little over-protective of our little forum here, it's probably understandable. Given the threat posed by shoe/cell spam -- and the lingering menace of Open Jam regulars. :D :D :D

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lol, open jam regulars...


I haven't really been on here much recently, has there been alot of spam lately? Although I do notice from time to time members posting, asking for people to vote for them in a competition or something. I think that's pretty bad.... publicising the competition is fine, but asking people to vote for you whether you're (in their opinion) decent or not is just out!!


Youtube!! make really crap music videos and post them on youtube, that's good publicity, if you make really good crap videos. That's where I'm going when I finally get to recording.... or even finishing stuff.

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No, actually, I was kind of responding to me and a few other regulars jumping a guy earlier today for posting a self-promo on his first ever post...


And I ended up feeling pretty bad for the guy 'cause... well, you know... we were a bit on the sarcastic side... :eek: [i know... hard to believe. :D ]



Anyhow, I was just thinking about how these poor guys get told in the print magazines to do essentially what he did (Go post in a forum!) and I thought... gee, how IS a newbie to know?



So I thought... maybe we can sort of find a nicer way to make it clear that this isn't a self-promotion forum -- but still welcome them and invite them to participate.




PS -- re YouTube -- darn straight... clearly THAT is a culture that is all about blatant and shameless self-promotion (viral networking -- I'm really starting to see the full dimension of truth in that buzz concept). And, I'm not sure what it says about our culture, but people will apparently watch and even flock to really bad stuff that they probably wouldn't listen all the way through to if it was only music. And -- what I find really sad -- I'm afraid that, increasingly, YouTube-type video is going to be the medium of discourse and education in the future. I guess it's already a post-literate culture.

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Hey... we're a bunch of manic depressive creative types... what can you expect? :D


But... we're... gonna work on it.




And -- seriously -- on the right day (and with the alignment of celestial bodies) we can have our sensitive, caring side.


This thread shows that were not all a complete bunch of meanies: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1769309

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I've gotta say, that I'm REAL new to Forums. I've learned alot in the past couple of weeks about how they work. At first I was in this boat you're talking about, where people suggest going to forums and let people know what you're up to. Then, I would get BANNED for dropping a link to things that I'm involved in musically....I didn't know any better!...I simple warning or explanation wouldn't have been out of line, but veterans of this stuff have a pretty short wick.


I understand now the reasons...I mean eventually, it would no longer be a "forum". Right?.

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although i don't know the thread you're referring to, i think it's just good practice to type [something like] THIS when someone's trying to self-promote and get feedback without knowing the 'rules':


(it's pretty much what i always do)

welcome to the songwriting forum. you should check out the sticky at the top of the page "want more opinions . . . " before you start posting. most guys in here who give feedback prefer that you'd try commenting on some others' work before you start asking for feedback on your stuff. go get some posts on other peoples' threads and i'm sure you'll get more than a few good opinions on your own work.....and really, WELCOME. this is the best songwriting forum on the net.


that usually gets a good response and starts some new forumites contributing.


anyhoo, just my .02. :)

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WOW, you mean the old, bald, fat blues players are not going to act like all knowing music gods??! But were will we go to get slammed for asking questions?



Wull... gee... that's like asking a snake not to hiss, innit?






I think dfritz has got a point -- it's not that way only here -- but at most any forum.


Spam -- of all types -- is a major annoyance on all forums across the net.


It's the reason there's a moderator here. (This forum used to be self-policing as I think I mentioned but gross commercial spammers were threatening to make it their personal billboard and through some convoluted process I got "volunteered" to be the somewhat reluctant mod here. I did mention it's an unpaid gig, right? I thought so. ;) )



But, like dfritz says (and FireWithin's arch comments suggest ;) ) folks who don't know how particular forum cultures work can sometimes run afoul of those cultures and customs. And the results can sometimes be awkward at best and painful, embarrassing, or hurtful at the exteme end of things. And that's no good...



Me... I'm an old hippie/punk/boho and not crazy about, you know, rules...


So I'd be about the last to try to impose rules -- one way or the other -- on what I'd like to see be an open, friendly, but respectful and collegial place where folks can meet to discuss songwriting, get and give constructive criticism, and get to know other musicians.



I think bluesway's approach is a pretty good compromise... it's friendly but communicates that this forum is not absolutely wide-open and that it has an already developed culture that is pretty much focused on songwriting and craft and its discussion.


Being a rather moody guy myself, I may try to force myself to adopt a more uniform approach based on that. As it's been, a newcomer might get a big welcome hug from me one day and withering sarcasm from me the next... and that's no good.

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but next month we go back to noob bashing, yes?


Damn straight.


And first guy I go after is that sarcastic Franklin character!


:D :D :D



Nah... in fact, let me take this opportunity to give FireWithin, FranklinPearl, and Stormtrooper (who I guess I knew as Soul Patch, yeah?) a hearty HC Songwriting Forum Welcome Hug... which happily is a virtual thing so I don't actually have to touch anyone or get cooties or anything.

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i think this place is awesome...i can't believe i have only gotten into this forum recently...wth have i been doing...


i can't wait to get my {censored} together and put somethin up here...I have a song that is all but mixed (could use some other touch ups) but i hesitate to throw down, as my vox sound like doodoo...

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I'm new, Check out my music!





Hey, Edwin.


I'm listening to "Paint Me a Picture" right now. It's big, dark, gritty and raw.



Welcome to the songwriting forum, btw! I hope you'll find your way back and maybe participate in the main forum. There's a lot of discussion on songwriting and craft as well as workshop type critiquing/constructive criticism.


Maybe you'll want to hang out, discuss songwriting with folks, and offer your thoughts when folks are looking for critiques of their works in progress. Things can get a little busy, so don't feel bad if it takes a while to get known and/or your own first requests for constructive crit take a while to get noticed.




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Y'know... I just realized -- since I posted the "Be Nice to Newcomers" sticky -- I don't think we've had a single running shoe or cell phone spam!





Being nice pays off... in the big picture, anyhow.




And -- of course -- being nice is its own reward... ;)

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I think you're kidding -- but in case you're not -- let me point out that I was.


We love our Open Jam brothers and sister like... well... distant relations.





Lurking is a 1000 percent A-OK but I hope you'll eventually feel like jumping in... I'm thinking if you're an OJ regular you can probably take anything us wimpy songwriters can dish... and then some.



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Hey blue2blue thanks a bunch for checking out my songs.

I do my best to get on as many forums/ threads that I can.

The harmony central boards are a lot like your description of my song though.

I'm glad that I'm able to see the other side.


Gammy- Nice sig.

I hope you dont hate me.

That was clearly me typing in a fit of rage.



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