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Someone give me a reason for not legalizing gay marriage

Say Ocean

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so wait.... aside from the word for it... how is that different? you can just change what it's called and that makes it fine? i think i'll start caling my date rapes "unsolicited sexual encounters" and see how far i get.

Merriam websters says marriage is "a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law" or (if you prefer it a little more abstract) "an intimate or close union." Great. That's wonderful. I agree. But where does all this other crap come into play? Religion, tradition, ceremony... It's all superstition. Marriage is a legal contract. Marriage is a box you check on your tax form.



Go read up on the covenent and process of getting married, what it means religiously and spiritually, and what it means in the church.


After you do this you may come back in the thread.

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so wait.... aside from the word for it... how is that different? you can just change what it's called and that makes it fine? i think i'll start caling my date rapes "unsolicited sexual encounters" and see how far i get.

Merriam websters says marriage is "a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law" or (if you prefer it a little more abstract) "an intimate or close union." Great. That's wonderful. I agree. But where does all this other crap come into play? Religion, tradition, ceremony... It's all superstition. Marriage is a legal contract. Marriage is a box you check on your tax form.



Then what is wrong with calling it a civil union if it entails the same protections?

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They can express their love all they want, and they do, publicly all the time. Marriage was designed and written to fit a man and a woman, and should be respected that way.

Again, I am all for civil unions, but opening marriage to new interpretations is ridiculous.


So how does that affect your interpretation of the marriage?

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Give me a logical reason for legalizing it.

Because people deserve to have freedom, equal rights, and a life not dictated totally by government :idk: I'm not down with the government deciding what people (not animals) you can and can not marry. That's barbaric.

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Homosexuality is the opposite of what it means to be a man and is not to be encouraged by law or custom. It should be discouraged and taught against.

That is my opinion.



I'll agree to an extent. However, I don't believe homosexuality and masculinity are mutually exclusive.

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So how do you justify marriages performed outside of religious institutions, IE., Justice of the Peace, ships captain...



You're joking too right :poke:


Read my post.


Marriage is DERIVED from religion. One of the basis being one has a penis and one has a vagina.


Quite simple really.

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Homosexuality is the opposite of what it means to be a man and is not to be encouraged by law or custom. It should be discouraged and taught against.

That is my opinion.


I don't need the government to tell me what it means to be a man (or force their idea on anyone)...

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Go read up on the covenent and process of getting married, what it means religiously and spiritually, and what it means in the church.

After you do this you may come back in the thread.



Again, when you are married by the court/jop, you are considered married, not civilly unionized...It's just a word and in the eyes of the government, it's exactly the same. That's why you get a marriage license afterward :poke:


I fail to see what religion has to do with marriage. If that is the only leg you have to stand on then your argument holds no water. The real debate here is not about religion, but about giving Gay couples the same rights as straight couples. And yes, they should have the same rights, contractually, that straight couples have.

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You're joking too right :poke:

Read my post.

Marriage is DERIVED from religion. One of the basis being one has a penis and one has a vagina.

Quite simple really.

Marriage dates back several thousand years, emerging as a civil arrangement at the same time as the emergence of private property. Far from fulfilling any religious purpose to unite one man and one woman, anthropologists theorize that most primitive marriages were polygamous. Marriages were entered into in order to expand the land or material goods base of a clan, either through the receipt of a dowry or the merger of two clans' assets. Religious guidelines around marriage are not thought to have developed until the practice was several hundred years old, and were first used as a means of preventing different religious groups from losing wealthy followers by restricting them from marrying into other religions.

In Western Europe, it was not until the Middle Ages that marriage in churches began to occur. However, church marriages were not the norm until the 17th century, and then only for the nobility. Marriage was also used as a tool to unite different royal families' bloodlines, creating alliances that were instrumental in enabling the European monarchies to colonize the globe.


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The real debate here is not about religion, but about giving Gay couples the same rights as straight couples. And yes, they should have the same rights, contractually, that straight couples have.


But gay people have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex that straight people have :idk:

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Give me a logical reason for legalizing it.



Health insurance benefits - as soon as my wife and I got married, I was eligible to be on her plan, which is good, because I'm self-employed. Gay people can't share health insurance, because they're legally not bonded.


Property possession in the event of death - if a gay person dies, their partner has no rights to anything that they haven't bought with their own money goes to the family of the dead partner. In the event of a worker/homemaker relationship, the partner who takes care of the house loses everything.


Discrimination - how about we keep gays feeling like they're sexual deviants and second-class citizens by refusing to legitimize their relationships in the same way that heterosexual couples do? I can't IMAGINE that feeling like you're a pervert because of who you're sexually attracted to has ANYTHING to do with drug abuse and promiscuity in the gay community.


Quality of family life - yeah, kids will be LESS {censored}ed up by living in a stable, two parent gay household than an alcoholic, violent heterosexual household. The fact is, most families are {censored}ed up, and the only reason that having two parents of the same sex screws kids up is because society TELLS THEM that it's wrong. I have several friends with two moms, and they're more "normal" than most of my other friends.

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