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OT: serious question... anybody here (or someone you know) have vertigo?


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Title says it all... anybody have or had bouts of vertigo? how did you deal with it? did any medicine help, etc?

im an unbalanced mofo


Make sure to get it checked out by a specialist and possibly get an MRI. I was having some dizzy spells at one point a few years back and my doctor said I had vertigo. I went to an inner ear specialist and they did all kinds of tests. Turns out, it was a brain tumor.

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Make sure to get it checked out by a specialist and possibly get an MRI. I was having some dizzy spells at one point a few years back and my doctor said I had vertigo. I went to an inner ear specialist and they did all kinds of tests. Turns out, it was a brain tumor.



that's what im afraid of

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I have had it for many years...back to high school. Some bouts have been very mild, and a few have been F'd up. The doctor told me that even my worst case was nothing compared to some people who are confined to bed for a month and constantly vomit. I get it once or twice a year, and alcohol most definitely aggravates it. I went to see an ear nose and throat doctor (as well as regular physicians) and they all tell me that people who have vertigo usually have it off and on for the rest of their lives...no real diagnosis. It sucks from time to time, but I can deal with it just fine. No medication has helped me.

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I have had it for many years...back to high school. Some bouts have been very mild, and a few have been F'd up. The doctor told me that even my worst case was nothing compared to some people who are confined to bed for a month and constantly vomit. I get it once or twice a year, and alcohol most definitely aggravates it. I went to see an ear nose and throat doctor (as well as regular physicians) and they all tell me that people who have vertigo usually have it off and on for the rest of their lives...no real diagnosis. It sucks from time to time, but I can deal with it just fine. No medication has helped me.



yeah, both my aunt and my grandmother had it really bad, and im alot like them in many ways. ive been trying bonine with little success, and some antihistamines

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I had a bout of it once on Christmas Eve, like two years ago. It was horrible. I ended up getting taken to the hospital, and I got some kind of shot that seemed to start getting me straightened out. Then some pills - sorry I don't remember what - but they pretty much knocked me out for an entire 24 hours.


I think mine was caused by a virus, so it was short lived but very very acute. I've never felt anything like it. If I turned my head, I had to puke. If I even looked sideways, I had to puke. Needless to say, it didn't take long before there was nothing to puke up.


My father in law has more of what you are probably talking about - long term chronic vertigo. So far, the doctors haven't been able to pin down the cause. Alcohol aggravates it, but he still has a beer or a glass of wine now and then. Just got a cane to help him keep his balance.

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It can be caused by a variety of things including tumor, virus or infection etc. like others have mentioned.


But one cause that I've found that I thought was interesting was calcium deposits in the eustachian tubes. This is common if you're lying down and turn your head or something like that. These little bits of calcium fall when you move causing the fluid to flow as if you were moving a different way resulting in that dizzy feeling.


No real cure but I found some info about a treatment where you turn your head certain ways to get the calcium out of the tubes which is supposed to help temporarily.

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Title says it all... anybody have or had bouts of vertigo? how did you deal with it? did any medicine help, etc?

im an unbalanced mofo

I've had some equalibreum probs for a while now. Medicine doesn't help. Had an MRI done and nothing showed up. Doctors think it is an inner ear/nerve thing. Kind of annoying. Doesn't bother when active, mainly when standing or moving slowly.

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