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I want to buy a nice combo


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one of my amps now is an F-30 head, and through my V30 cab it can get pretty dumbleish.... has that dry, but smooth gain tone.... I just feel like its time for another amp, and I need a portable combo.... I was gonna order a small reeves combo, and I might still... but after shipping and customs, I would pay an extra $400, that, plus the hit on resale if I ever decide to get rid of it, means I would probably lose out like $700, which is why I am looking to go used first....

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one of my amps now is an F-30 head, and through my V30 cab it can get pretty dumbleish.... has that dry, but smooth gain tone.... I just feel like its time for another amp, and I need a portable combo.... I was gonna order a small reeves combo, and I might still... but after shipping and customs, I would pay an extra $400, that, plus the hit on resale if I ever decide to get rid of it, means I would probably lose out like $700, which is why I am looking to go used first....



another thing to consider is maybe a Zendrive pedal with a Tube Screamer or a BadMonkey in front of it. You can get very Santana-ish tones with that combo. The Zendrive is a great pedal.

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