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Ever hear something and you're like what the hell?


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Be careful you watch that video you'll go to sleep tonight not even thinking about it but singing "i'll give you bonafied loving.. oh oh oh oh!" Thats what happened to me. It'll get you! And then when I woke up I had to hear the song!

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Desperate search for something new. I'm so burnt out on everything I listen to. I don't even get excited when my favorite bands come out with new cd's anymore. I know it ain't gonna be much different than the last one. As much as I love heavy music I think it probably gets old faster than anything else.

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ON that note off subject but do you guys have to have a certain place to write music? I have to write the songs on guitar in my apartment and then go bring them to practice. I write damn good songs here but when I write a song at practice with the rest of the guys it never turns out nowhere near as good. It seems like when bands write their music on tour it never is as good as what it was before they starting touring and wrote in their bedroom. If I ever tour I won't write on tour. We'll have to take a writing break. Reason I say this lately I been burnt out on listening to music and playing.. I guess I feel like I've heard everything and played all the same things. Thats why I like to hear how other people get inspired and how they go about writing.

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Yet you can't get the song out of your head but you are scared someones gonna walk in while you're listening to it. If I could get this song stuck out of my head I could sleep better.


o-o-OH-o :facepalm:

I like how their computer animation is so bad it looks like that Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" vid from the 80's.

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There are very few musics i respond this way to, but this "eighties throwback" bull{censored} drives me nuts. How do people find the time to complain about metal, or metalcore, or modern country, or polka, or anything, when this {censored}ing rotten abomination exists?

Terrible. And not in an ironic "so bad it is good" way, either. If only one band was doing throwback electropop, it might be ironic, but as it is a veritable horde of hipsters that carry the movement and continue to produce this garbage... {censored} it.

I hate this {censored}.


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Well i dont care if its throwback or what the genre is or whatever. Just know I enjoy listening to it for some reason! lol Its catchy and I've been singing to it all day. Thats all that counts in music really! And yeah im bored with metal.

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