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for the most part do u lay the music down first then add lyrics?


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hey guys, i was just wondering how most of you craft your songs. for the most part do u lay the music down first then add lyrics? do u record a track then add lyrics? or do u finish everything first before recording? thanks.

i'm just tryin to explore other methods and just see outta curiosity your unique stances on building.

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My way has two basic parts: music OR lyrics. sometimes the music comes first and THEN I create the story in the words, sometimes the words come first and then the music. RARELY is it both at once for me. And I don't think there is a wrong answer here. :)

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I don't write songs with words anymore, so. . .

I am sure that there are people that do this. I am sure there are people that write music around words. I am sure there are people that write words and music and end up editing the words if something fits a little better. If I had to write a song with lyrics I would most likely write the lyrics first and write the music around those words. It really comes down to doing whatever it takes to make the song, right? :thu:

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I've come to prefer doing lyrics first, then music. For some reason, I've conditioned myself to do it that way. It's to the point now where writing music first without some lyrics to guide me along sounds like a lot of work, which may not actually be the case, but at this point, I just prefer the lyrics first approach. But whatever works.

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Trying to fit music to words never works out well for me, because the syllables of the lines never fall on the right spot so I have to rewrite or stretch out words unnaturally.


I write a chord progression/song structure simultaneously with the vocal melody - which, at the time, is usually just me whistling or humming. Once the rhythm and timing of the progression and melody is set, then I add lyrics. That way I know my options in terms of making the lyrics fit the line.

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