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New song


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Hi all.


I haven't posted in a while as I've been away rebuilding my studio room. I've now ditched the old HD recorder in favour of a new DAW system. So I've finally embraced the world of MIDI and all that comes with it, headaches especially. It's like being back at school. I've never known such a steep learning curve. Nearly fell off many times.


Anyway, here is my first effort using Cubase SX3:




The song is called 'Stay'. Very prog/classic rock feel. And I'm afraid it's 8 min long. Sorry.


I would appreciate any comments. I realise I'm still very green when it comes to producing and mixing, so your feedback is very welcome. You can compare it to my other song on there which was on my old HD recorder. I think there is improvement, but you may not agree :)


Thanks for anyone who gives me 8 minutes of your life.

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I'm listening now. (And I will be for a while, apparently. :D )


Sounds very clean, very well done. I'm not one much for strings in rock but I think they're well done within the context. The guitar sounds very good. The writing seems very solid, neo-classic rock, in a mid-70s/Floyd-ish kind of mode.


A song this long is obviously not going to be everyone's thang... but I'm at the 5 minute mark and still pretty much enjoying it (pretty heady praise, coming from 3 minute me). I think the classic sound and dreamy 70s feel lends an expectation that it's not going to be 2 verses, a chorus, a solo and two choruses... ;) But that length is clearly part of the style/turf, here; it feels pretty natural, in that sense.


Very good, very well done!

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Many thanks for donating a fair sized chunk of your life B2B :) And thanks for the encouraging comments. That is very welcome as I am in my own little bubble here with nobody really to share my ideas with....apart from the good wife who added her vocals of course.



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I think the guitar intro, while a different feel than the rest of the song, is perfectly fine. Don't cut it.


I also really dig the vocal harmonies you have going, very different. I think perhaps the verse vocals are a little weak in a few places, but not enough to hurt the song.


I think around the 6 minute mark I was getting tired of the same stuff. You could move up the guitar part from about 6:30 to 6 minutes. I don't think you need those repeated 30 seconds in between.


Other than that I think it was nicely produced and very interesting.


I think however you could perhaps go out with the same way you came in. Put the intro in reverse at the end and have that last guitar part just fade away. I think that'd be brilliant =P


Good work! :thu:

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Holy shhh....

I have to say that this is awesome work man!

And if this is your first effort with Cubase, then... damn!!


Loved the mix (though I'm listening with headphones) and the dreamy soundscape the Midi strings create. At first what I didn't like was your voice but after a few verses I was taken in, especially in the Chorus.

I really believe this is one of the best songs I've listened on this forum and I don't even like long songs that much!


Good Work!



P.S. Love the drums also!

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Thats cool man, **listening to intro**


theres alot of *singing - you not me lol* layers, how long did it take you?


do you write all the midi etc or did you just play with it, trial and error basis?


not a fan of prog rock but its a good song :D



[China Skies]

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