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Being ill sucks...


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So when yer can't sleep and you feel like cack, headachy and that, what's some good BS films to keep you occupied? Ya know Navy Seals style that doesn't tax the ol' head much.

Had to call in sick to work today. First time in like 5 years (new experience for me).

What happens? Generally? Don't fancy guitar as noise not good for head.



Man i think i got it worse, ive cut my left hand right down to near the bone so i cant play guit and im one handed for 7 days while this glue does its thing. So 7 days in my house with no guitar, taking a shower wearing a latex glove and rubber bands round my wrist. Bored out my {censored}in box. I've ended up spending

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I had food poisoning twice this year.

My digestive system basically goes into reverse involving six hours of painful abdominal cramps, chills, then when the fever comes on that's when I puke. After the third puke, everything stops and I can finally get to sleep.

Not pleasant. And both times it involved tomato soup.

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