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Cd prices+Itunes


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{censored}, bring your girlfriend for lunch at McD and that's more money than a CD. What's the problem?


Yeah, I have a 9-5 job and I don't need a second revenue, but I sure would love for music to be my main revenue.


Also, all those artists that give their music away for free will never get big unless some big draw of luck. Without income, you can't properly promote your band, you can't pay people to do it. If staying a local sensation is your thing then so be it. At some point if you believe in your music you have to have the guts to ask what you're worth. Giving your music away doesn't mean you,re a true artist, it just means you don't believe in it.

Free music is throw-away music.


Actually, I'm not making any money selling my CDs, I'm just paying back expenses. Sure we could have went the cheap route, we did it for our demos, I have all the gear to do it. But we wanted to present a professionnal product, that sounds and look good, that works from beginning to finish. Those that did put their hard earned money on it (hell, what's 12$ in 2008? I make twice that an hour after deductions) are raving about it.

Those we gave a demo to for free, we never heard back.

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so what you have to charge money for people to listen to your music or you dont believe in it now? wtf

im not saying give everything away for free - there will always be people who go out and buy albums because they want to have the real album- like me-

what makes me laugh are no-name bands who think they 'deserve' to be supported by music somehow.

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i just think small time bands would be more than happy to get their music out to as many people as possible,and if they're really any good- some level of success will come on it's own,and if that means that they get by on a descent living playing shows and selling whatever they sell-then that's who they are.

i think almost everyone who comes to this forum has some kind of regular 9-5 job because that's what people do. they get jobs so they can live on their own and support themselves and have things. that doesnt mean they aren't 'musicians' we're (probably) all musicians here.

i'd be perfectly happy if i could just get in a good rock band to play once in awhile- maybe big parties or whatever. i dont have to live off of it- i just like to play - because im a musician.

Ah, but that is not what you said now, is it? This is also not what I was talking about, and I was pretty clear about that. Feel free to backtrack all you want. I agree with this, since it is pretty much what I was saying. Of course they would want to get their music out to as many people as possible "...and get by on a DECENT LIVING PLAYING SHOWS and selling whatever they sell...." In other words MAKING MONEY OFF OF THEIR MUSIC. :facepalm:

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so what you have to charge money for people to listen to your music or you dont believe in it now? wtf

im not saying give everything away for free - there will always be people who go out and buy albums because they want to have the real album- like me-

what makes me laugh are no-name bands who think they 'deserve' to be supported by music somehow.



No...you have no comprehension skills. No one is saying that if you don't charge, then you don't believe. We are saying that you are, however, entitled to be fairly compensated for your art. Your problem is when artists sellout their passion and beliefs for money, which is a different thing. If you are a musician who is, say a blues musician and hates pop music, but can't pay the rent with the blues but gets a huge pop gig....well there is your dilemma. Do you take the gig? Many would......you have to pay rent. Some would say you should suffer for your "art." There is your particular argument. That, however, is not what we are talking about. We are talking about musicians who are sticking to their art and simply want their cut of what they are entitled to.


Most gigging musicians expect to get paid at the end of the night. All session players get paid from their sessions. If your record your songs and you own the rights to the songs, and they sell...well you should get paid. Trust me, you wouldn't be arguing this if you got signed and you had a platinum selling cd that you had songwriting credits to. Then you would be fighting over every point that you were entitled to not telling everyone that you did it for free since it was your "passion." How many times did your favorite band let your come see them for free since they do it for the passion?

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Ah, but that is not what you said now, is it? This is also not what I was talking about, and I was pretty clear about that. Feel free to backtrack all you want. I agree with this, since it is pretty much what I was saying. Of course they would want to get their music out to as many people as possible "...and get by on a DECENT LIVING PLAYING SHOWS and selling whatever they sell...." In other words MAKING MONEY OFF OF THEIR MUSIC.

how can it not be what i said when right there for you to read it is?

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what makes me laugh are no-name bands who think they 'deserve' to be supported by music somehow.


The name's not important, a good no-name band is much more interesting than a popular {censored}ty band. But I get your drift.


Nobody should have to pay for {censored}ty music, that's the beauty of paying: you have the choice.

But you shouldn't download it either.


I just don't see why 12-15$ for a CD is such a big deal. We spend more money on much more stupid things.


I hate the 0.99$ a song model... my songs are not freaking candy bars.


Just my opinion :idea:


One thing I hate about the 0.99$ a song is it pulls musicians away from experimentation. You know that odd song at the end of the album that would never make it to the radio but you find so intriguing and complex, well it ain't gonna sell on iTunes either. So let's do like Linkin Park and give them 12 songs under 4 minutes with intro-verse-hook-verse-hook-breakdown-hook.

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Your problem is when artists sellout their passion and beliefs for money,

no it isnt dumbass. ,my 'problem' is with nobody bands who think people should be paying them for checking out one of their songs on the internet.
if they wanna be that stupid about then {censored}'em i wont listen to their song and wont end up buying their album... :idk:

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are they making music for the money or for the love of making music?
if they love to make music so much, then they will do it in their off /QUOTE]

Because this is what you really said. You were saying how musicians should make music for the love of making music and not make money off of it. You went on to say that they should do it during their time off and that if they want money they should get a job. Now you are saying that they can make money from their gigs and such. Well, which is it? Money from gigs is making money from their music, which according to you is a big no no. According to you it is strickly supposed to be about the love of the music and not the money, silly :poke:.
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Because this is what you really said. You were saying how musicians should make music for the love of making music and not make money off of it. You went on to say that they should do it during their time off and that if they want money they should get a job. Now you are saying that they can make money from their gigs and such. Well, which is it? Money from gigs is making money from their music, which according to you is a big no no. According to you it is strickly supposed to be about the love of the music and not the money, silly :poke:.

inever said that people shouldnt make any money off of their music. where did you see where i said that? you were whining about having to live in a van because nobody buys your crap albums and you were saying that you cant get a job because you have to devote your life to your music, at some point you would think common sense would kick in and tell you to get a {censored}ing job and support yourself and pursue music in your free time instead of starving to death :idk::facepalm:

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read this and tell me who has the reading comprehension skill problems again ok chief?

not if it sucks

no it isnt dumbass. ,my 'problem' is with nobody bands who think people should be paying them for checking out one of their songs on the internet.

if they wanna be that stupid about then {censored}'em i wont listen to their song and wont end up buying their album...

Apparently, you have a few problems. One is that you tried to pwn me but quoted someone else. The third is that you can't even follow this discussion. What nobody bands are you talking about? No one here is talking about nobody bands charging to listen to a song in some hillbilly town. You made a general statement about all musicians. If you have a problem with this one thing, then yeah, that sounds about right. I wouldn't pay to download what should be free...but then again IDK what you are talking about. Most nobody bands I see give that {censored} away, hell most give free ep's away...or something similiar.

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inever said that people shouldnt make
money off of their music. where did you see where i said that? you were whining about having to live in a van because nobody buys your crap albums and you were saying that you cant get a job because you have to devote your life to your music, at some point you would think common sense would kick in and tell you to get a {censored}ing job and support yourself and pursue music in your free time instead of starving to death


Dude, seriously, you need to learn how to read. I never said that. I don't have crap albums that I try to sell, I don't record, I don't gig. I am not a musician. I have a full time job like you recommended I make six figures a year, I am just a guitar/bass player because I like it.

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then GTFO noob



Ran out of things to say? Hardly a noob, been here for years (2 yrs BEFORE you.) Been playing for 30. Next. Like I said, I feel that if you don't devote your life to music, you don't DESERVE to call yourself a musician. That is how strongly I feel about music.

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Like I said, I feel that if you don't devote your life to music, you don't DESERVE to call yourself a musician. That is how strongly I feel about music.

well that's just about the dumbest {censored}ing thing i've read on here in quite a {censored}ing while. :lol:

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The quality is good. Is it as good? No, but hard to tell with high bit rate mp3's unless you are playing it on a high quality sound system.



I can play 320 ripped mp3's on my recording computer, which is a fairly high end rig, and the difference is almost imperceptible, especially on the ultra compressed modern stuff.

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I can play 320 ripped mp3's on my recording computer, which is a fairly high end rig, and the difference is almost imperceptible, especially on the ultra compressed modern stuff.



Yah thats sorta what I meant to be saying. Lower bit rates are more noticable, but really anything 192+ is good, and with anything near CD quality (like 320+) you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who could tell.

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Yah thats sorta what I meant to be saying. Lower bit rates are more noticable, but really anything 192+ is good, and with anything near CD quality (like 320+) you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who could tell.



I've had some 192 stuff that was a bit sketchy....but all of the 320 stuff I've ever done has been great.

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I've had some 192 stuff that was a bit sketchy....but all of the 320 stuff I've ever done has been great.



Yah I don't doubt it. 192 would probably be less noticeable on mp3 players like an ipod ect where you use headphones. I've always ripped my CD's at near-cd quality and all my purchased mp3's are 320 as well so been awhile since I tested the lower bit rates. I can't tell the difference personally between my CD's and those 320+ bit rate mp3s.

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