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NGD!!!!! (New Gear Day)


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Rocktron Patchmate and a Rocktron Intellifex Ltd courtesy of Steel Kage! :thu:


I've always wanted to use more effects in my rig but I hate tap dancing to turn things on and off. This should totally take care of that! :D


Now I just need to grab some patch cables and a midi floorboard and I'll be all set. I think I may get a new overdrive pedal too since I will be able to have one in the front of the amp and be able to switch it in and out with the dirty channel.




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Now I need to figure out an excuse to get out of work early...



Hey uh.....I just got a call.....uh.....There is a cat locked in your office. He's badly in need of his pain killers cuz he just got declawed. And well... I'm sorry to tell you this....but he's twitching out and he's started a small fire.


It's under control right now - he's tending to the outer edges of the carpet with the water from his bowl.....but I suggest you get there as soon as possible to get kitty his drugs....


Before he does something REALLY crazy....


cuz kitty is a pyro.....

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