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All those good intentions about tagging your uploaded Mp3s, John... gone like snow on the water, apparently. ;)


This is a nice composition. I could easily see a full orchestra version in a certain kind of movie... you know, sunrise, rolling hills, birds singing, fluffy clouds etc, then the hapless movie hero pulls over and picks up the wrong hitchhiker and the rest of the movie looks like those other pictures you like to post, monsters, ghouls, demons, etc. :D

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All those good intentions about tagging your uploaded Mp3s, John... gone like snow on the water, apparently.

This is a nice composition. I could easily see a full orchestra version in a certain kind of movie... you know, sunrise, rolling hills, birds singing, fluffy clouds etc, then the hapless movie hero pulls over and picks up the wrong hitchhiker and the rest of the movie looks like those
pictures you like to post, monsters, ghouls, demons, etc.



Oops, why can't I remember that?


Thanks for listening Blue - and the descriptions.


Best, John Piano%20Smiley.gif

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Very nice. I like the flow of the piece, the way the strings and piano swell back and forth melodically. The change at 1:15 is right in time to pick things up a bit. I love the ultra low notes you hammer here and there. I love the outro bit. Nice bassoon fake in there.


Thanks for all the details Light! I appreciate it.


Best, John:cool:

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