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I don't write lyrics often...

Stratman Tigers

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...its only been in the last few months I've been putting words to my music, as I usually let the singer handle the lyrics, but today at work, a flow came into my mind:



Don't deter my dirty thinking

Don't change my greedy thinking

The trigger has been pulled

Await the call from my telephone

Brief me now, instead of later

Reap rewards, ripe for picking

Its all because its true.

I swear its all true

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me

You can't get fooled again

We're all the fools again



I'm very self conscious about lyrics, as I'm always afraid of sounding cliche or stupid, but I just want to see what you all think. Tell me if you like it, or hate it. :poke:

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My comments in bold.


Don't deter my dirty thinking

Don't change my greedy thinking

I like these two lines as a start

The trigger has been pulled

Not sure what this is trying to convey


Await the call from my telephone

Brief me now, instead of later

Reap rewards, ripe for picking

These lines aren't bad, but once again I'm not sure what the thought here is.

Its all because its true.

I swear its all true

I can hear a melody for this in my head, and it works.


Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me

If you're worried about cliche, lose these lines. I personally don't like them.

You can't get fooled again

We're all the fools again

I'm torn on this. The first line makes me instantly think of The Who, but on the other hand, I like the last line a lot. Depending on the melody, it could work.

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My comments in bold.

Don't deter my dirty thinking

Don't change my greedy thinking

I like these two lines as a start

The trigger has been pulled

Not sure what this is trying to convey

Await the call from my telephone

Brief me now, instead of later

Reap rewards, ripe for picking

These lines aren't bad, but once again I'm not sure what the thought here is.

Its all because its true.

I swear its all true

I can hear a melody for this in my head, and it works.

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me

If you're worried about cliche, lose these lines. I personally don't like them.

You can't get fooled again

We're all the fools again

I'm torn on this. The first line makes me instantly think of The Who, but on the other hand, I like the last line a lot. Depending on the melody, it could work.



+1 on these comments.

If you could let us know a little bit more about what you are trying to say/convey with these lyrics, it might help us give more critiques.

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Don't say negative things about your music, I myself is into composing but instead of feeling negative, I enhance it more by filling it with good tune. Nothing can compensate a good tune. Just harness the lyrics and find some inspiration .:thu:

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Its a political song, hence the veiled attack on the Fool stanza.

I personally don't like them myself, I'm considering ditching it. Thanks for the comments, guys.



NOOOOOO! Don't ditch it. Keep them safe somewhere -- you never know when they might get put to good use. I have many, many notebooks filled with writings (a lot of ramblings) that I frequently go back to and pull something good to fit into something else. Definitely keep it. Just let it seep in your soul for a while.

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Its a political song, hence the veiled attack on the Fool stanza.

I personally don't like them myself, I'm considering ditching it. Thanks for the comments, guys.


Whoa! It's understandable you want to ditch them. It's a great way to absolutely end the awkwardness of showing your work. We all know that feeling. Except you've got a cool way with a phrase. All of it is cool. Just not together. :)


Do what you've done. Get those ideas out. Now, rewrite. That's the way it works.


What's the form?

What's the rhyme scheme?

What's the story or message?


And where am I getting away from any of those above points?


Rewrite. That's how its done. Seriously, you have a cool knack of putting words together. Now you need to work on putting word phrases together into a whole. With clear intent.


Don't toss, rewrite. Rewrite is just a way of saying edit. The process goes like this...


Purge without judgment or editing


Purge without judgment or editing


Purge without judgment or editing









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