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Look at the picture, I dont see any arms or fingers in the picture.

Is the slippery slope falling beneath your feet? Why yes, yes it is.

Wow, you're all about one-upmanship aren't you (See HolyWar Uganda thread). It's already been documented in the police reports that she had bitemarks. Do your research before you make a bigger ass out of yourself than you already have.

And yes, you get the double face palm for that. Don't make me go triple-face palm ok?


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Wow, you're all about one-upmanship aren't you (See HolyWar Uganda thread). It's already been documented in the police reports that she had bitemarks. Do your research before you make a bigger ass out of yourself than you already have.

And yes, you get the double face palm for that. Don't make me go triple-face palm ok?


We're discussing a picture in this thread, you got b-slapped, then reverted to bite marks (that we all now cant be caused by a slap, and were also not pictured in this thread).

Then you call people 'dumbass' when there was no hope left.

Now you try to call me out from another thread.

slippppppperyyyyyyyyyyy slooooooooooope

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We're discussing a picture in this thread, you got b-slapped, then reverted to bite marks (that we all now cant be caused by a slap, and were also not pictured in this thread).

Then you call people 'dumbass' when there was no hope left.

Now you try to call me out from another thread.

slippppppperyyyyyyyyyyy slooooooooooope

Sorry, but I noticed your lameness a long time ago, so this was all overdue. I guess I should be in awe of "Mr. humanatarian peelot who doesn't know geography but flies anyway".....:wave:

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Calm down with the facepalm nancy.

The only cuts she received, from the picture, are around her mouth.

Whats in the vicinity of a mouth? Oh yeah, sharp teeth.

B-slaps can cut a lip.

If she got hit with fists, she would of looked a LOT worse.

Wheres the eyebrow lacerations? Wheres the nose broken/split? Wheres the black eye??

And ill bet her nose and lips are the about the same size, if not the same size as the picture being shown. Broken noses dont exactly look like that. Not to mention broken noses bring almost instant bruising and dark blood. Ive had a broken nose, eyebrow lacerations and split lips.

Her lips look like they're chapped.

Also, dont let her acne under her lip/chin fool you for bruising.





I don't really get what are you trying to say. Did he beat the {censored} out of her like one would get in a serious bar fight? No.


Of course it could be a lot worst. No offense but I really don't get what are you trying to say?

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I don't really get what are you trying to say. Did he beat the {censored} out of her like one would get in a serious bar fight? No.

Of course it could be a lot worst. No offense but I really don't get what are you trying to say?



He used to beat his ex-wife up a lot worse, so he's not impressed.

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I don't really get what are you trying to say. Did he beat the {censored} out of her like one would get in a serious bar fight? No.

Of course it could be a lot worst. No offense but I really don't get what are you trying to say?



The point was, people were claiming that she got beat up badly. The way people are talking, it was like she got mauled by a wild animal then had bricks thrown at her.


I said, it looks like she got hit with a few slaps, at most.


Theres no way, from the picture posted, that she got beat up the way everyone in here was talking about. Theres hardly any damage to her.

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We're discussing a picture in this thread, you got b-slapped, then reverted to bite marks (that we all now cant be caused by a slap, and were also not pictured in this thread).

Then you call people 'dumbass' when there was no hope left.

Now you try to call me out from another thread.

slippppppperyyyyyyyyyyy slooooooooooope




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It doesn't take a "hall of fame member" to figure out you're a douche.

Hmm..interesting. This is what's posted in your profile?

I have a sweet ass!
The planet Vulcan
Hot Vulcan babes
Douchebag "

Seems like you're the douche, self-admittedly at that. Maybe you and Emelianenko can get a room, he can beat you up, and then you can break him off a piece of your "sweet ass".


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What she got, doesnt warrant the knee jerk "OMG LOOK AT HER FACE" "BLOOD EVERYWHERE, OH NOES" comments that this fiasco is getting.



Regardless of how bad you might think it is, I can tell you that if my wife mom, sister, or wife came home looking like that I would {censored}ing kill someone.

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