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Songwriting Challenge 19 - Movie Scene Soundtrack


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This is really about seeing the same events from two different points of view.


If you have some video and want to write some background music, that's great. If there is a story behind the song to go with the song itself, that's great. If there is a particular image which sheds light your the song, that will work as well.


PM me a link to your song and your "scene" by April 30th, and I will post the reveal on May 1st.


Good luck.

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can it be an instrumental? (seriously, there are such for soundtracks ya know)

not very well recorded ? ( after all it is coming from me )

like maybe deplicting a movie about a junkie?:poke::rolleyes:

I don't have vid access so I guess I'm out anyhow...

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You're good. I may do a soundtrack instrumental myself.



thanks, I appreciate that,

So , can I send an audio? I don't have a youtube account and wouldn't know how to upload a DVD to it anyway.

I've got a couple of vids on DVD but to honest don't know how to send em or even if you could use DVD. Only way I could it would be mail:facepalm:

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hey boydog ^.^

your showing your age haha =]


you cant upload dvds there discs

on the dvds there are files, not sure what format they are but something like Mphg i think (or is that the ipod format)



to upload to youtube just sign up and click the upload video

then you find the video file

i think utube accpects nearly all video formats



and i might do one i dont know ha

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I had an idea for this which I was sort of composing in my head today, and I realized that I'd finished one not long ago that I works perfectly with the media that inspired it...


Then I realized that it's copyrighted stuff, as were the images that I started out with for that matter.


We need a 'mash-up' law that makes it legal to use segments of copyrighted media for noncommercial use. I'm sure the RIAA and Rueters would go for that..... mmm hmmm.


This may be one of those ask for forgiveness, not permission.. NEVERMIND! Nothing to see here, move on....

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Dang, I'd like to jump in on this...I actually wrote a little guitar thing not long ago while watching the tv show LOST...of course, they were running, scared though the jungle and I just started providing my own soundtrack as I watched. LOL...it worked for me anyway. Sadly my preamp is in the shop for repair and I have no clue when I'll get it back. I guess I could just use my mBox, but it's hard to get 57s to sound good with just the mBox pres. Well, if I don't have the preamp back in a week or so maybe I'll just do the best I can with what I've got. Heck, I guess I should be used to that approach by now.

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The movie Grizzly Man has cool extra feature on the DVD where they have about a half hour of footage from them making of the soundtrack


Its led by Robert Thompson on guitar and they have a bunch of other musicians playing on it. They all met each other for the first time and recorded it in a weekend.


Werner Herzog directed the movie and offers some cool insight into tracking for a soundtrack. To paraphrase he said dont try and play for what you see on the screen but wrather play and let the music and the screen create its own space.

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I can't remember the last time I actually sat down and watched either a movie or any kind of television for fun. It had to be at least over 4 years ago. Unless I wrote music for a scene from SpongeBob or the Teletubbies, I don't think I have anything to offer this month. I've always wanted to try this. Just not my time in life I guess.

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